Category Archives: Space Travel

Venus – Is it Habitable?

When you think about humans moving to other planets, your train of thought probably leads you to think about Mars. Sending spacecrafts to Mars, talks of terraforming Mars, the works. But another planet that has been a subject of many science fiction stories is none other than Earth’s sister planet: Venus. Venus’ surface is hostile. […] Continue reading

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Can Elon Musk’s Dream Become a Reality?

Just last month, Elon Musk’s SpaceX used the worlds most powerful rocket, Falcon Heavy, to launch his personal red Tesla roadster into space, racing towards Mars. With a spacesuit-wearing dummy named ‘Starman’ at the wheel, the car is predicted to enter Mars’ orbit sometime in July, before exiting soon after. While Musk claims the purpose […] Continue reading

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A New Age of Rocketry (Thanks Vandy!)

Last week, entrepreneurial genius/potential supervillain Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched its Falcon Heavy. Immediately upon its successful launch, the Falcon Heavy became the world’s most powerful active rocket, capable of carrying heavy payloads such as government satellites to geosynchronous orbit and lighter payloads as far as Mars. (Cross-promotional superstar “Starman” is likely to make it almost … Continue reading A New Age of Rocketry (Thanks Vandy!) Continue reading

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SpaceX has officially created a non-zero chance of a car accident in space.

February 6, 2018. The Falcon Heavy launched into space with Elon Musk’s own personal Tesla Roadster. SpaceX has had many successful launches, had several successful landings, and on top of all of that… they can claim themselves to be the first ever company to send a car to space.   Yes, that’s a real image. […] Continue reading

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SpaceX has officially created a non-zero chance of a car accident in space.

February 6, 2018. The Falcon Heavy launched into space with Elon Musk’s own personal Tesla Roadster. SpaceX has had many successful launches, had several successful landings, and on top of all of that… they can claim themselves to be the first ever company to send a car to space.   Yes, that’s a real image. […] Continue reading

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SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch

Last Tuesday, SpaceX successfully launched the Falcon Heavy rocket. Excluding the Saturn 5 rocket, this is the most powerful rocket system ever developed.  The goal of the launch was test the Falcon Heavy’s ability to deliver a payload to orbit and land safely to earth. Then rocket launch commenced at 2:45 PM CST on Tuesday, … Continue reading SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch Continue reading

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SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch

Last Tuesday, SpaceX successfully launched the Falcon Heavy rocket. Excluding the Saturn 5 rocket, this is the most powerful rocket system ever developed.  The goal of the launch was test the Falcon Heavy’s ability to deliver a payload to orbit and land safely to earth. Then rocket launch commenced at 2:45 PM CST on Tuesday, … Continue reading SpaceX Falcon Heavy Launch Continue reading

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Blog 3: The Golden Record

The Voyager Golden Record is a phonograph record that was launched on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. It contains a variety of sounds and images that are meant to portray the diversity of life and culture on Earth. The 116 images were carefully selected by a team led by astronomer Carl Sagan.  The cover of … Continue reading Blog 3: The Golden Record Continue reading

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On This Day in Astronomy History…

  Thirty-four years ago today, on February 7th 1984, NASA Astronaut Bruce McCandless II became the first person to fly untethered from their spacecraft. McCandless, who just recently passed December 21st at the age of 80, was able to travel 320 feet from the space shuttle Challenger without any connection to the shuttle. He accomplished […] Continue reading

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A wormhole is a theoretical tunnel connecting two points in space-time based on the theory of general relativity. Albert Einstein, Nathan Rosen and Ludwig Flamm are three physicists credited with hypothesizing this theory, but whether we will actually find one (let alone enter it) is largely up to debate. Warmholes are theorized to “pop-up” as tiny … Continue reading Wormholes Continue reading

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