Category Archives: Space Travel

Anti-Matter Propulsion

The use of anti-matter propulsion might be the key to interstellar travel. Anti-matter is basically normal matter that has opposite charges. When matter and anti-matter collide with one another, they annihilate one another and energy is released. Unlike with nuclear fusion, where only 3% of the total mass of the matter is converted into energy, […] Continue reading

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Anti-Matter Propulsion

The use of anti-matter propulsion might be the key to interstellar travel. Anti-matter is basically normal matter that has opposite charges. When matter and anti-matter collide with one another, they annihilate one another and energy is released. Unlike with nuclear fusion, where only 3% of the total mass of the matter is converted into energy, […] Continue reading

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You Used to Call Me on Your Space Probe: Drake Equation

Personally, I love the Drake Equation. I think it’s extremely interesting to ponder, and it fascinates me that there are ways to roughly predict life within the Milky Way. However, I feel like the equation should be approached more so as a means to think about life rather than an actual mathematical equation. Rather than using […] Continue reading

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Contact: The Third Answer to Fermi’s Paradox

The Fermi paradox posits that there are only three possible answers to the question “Where is everybody?” in terms of the search for other intelligent life in the Universe. The three possibilities are as follows: We are alone Civilizations are common, but no one has colonized the galaxy There is a galactic civilization, but it …

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Contact: The Third Answer to Fermi’s Paradox

The Fermi paradox posits that there are only three possible answers to the question “Where is everybody?” in terms of the search for other intelligent life in the Universe. The three possibilities are as follows: We are alone Civilizations are common, but no one has colonized the galaxy There is a galactic civilization, but it […] Continue reading

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Half Empty or Half Full?

Fermi’s paradox has some unsettling points depending on how you see the glass. Continue reading

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To Infinity and Beyond! (Maybe)

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope is how we have found many exoplanets and have hoped to find more, however, the universe may have other plans… Continue reading

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The Need for Space Travel

“The future of humanity is going to bifurcate in two directions: Either it’s going to become multiplanetary, or it’s going to remain confined to one planet and eventually there’s going to be an extinction event.” – Elon Musk. In my last blog post, I talked about the possibility of another object in space colliding with […] Continue reading

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Asteroids: Death, or Life?

Just hitching a ride Most people don’t think of asteroids as the bringer of life to Earth. Actually, for many, it’s the exact opposite. When someone says asteroids many people automatically think about mass extinctions, specifically the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was caused by a large asteroid). However, there is a theory called panspermia which […] Continue reading

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Are We Overdue for a Mass Extinction?

People have argued about if and when the human race will die out on earth.  We have essentially taken ourselves out of the food chain, meaning that we won’t be hunted to extinction.  We have also made great strides in medicine making it unlikely that we will die out from disease.  It may seem improbable […] Continue reading

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