Category Archives: Space Travel

The Future of Astronomy

The future of astronomy lies in finding or making worlds habitable for people. While we are learning so much about the universe around us, the things that people seem to care about are aliens and space colonization. This is why I feel that resuming space travel is crucial to reviving public interest in astronomy. While […] Continue reading

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Are We Alone?

The famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke was quoted as saying, “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” A truer statement is hard to come by. Yet quote also sparks tremendous debate and intrigue among those whose ears come across it for the … Continue reading Are We Alone? Continue reading

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Bussard Ramjet: Interstellar Travel

Interstellar Travel Ramjet Interstellar travel is travel between stars. Interstellar travel is much more difficult than interplanetary travel because of …

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Warp Drive

Before we can achieve interstellar travel like it appears in science fiction, scientists must make huge leaps and develop a way to exceed the speed of light, as well as a way to work around the issue of spacetime and … Continue reading Continue reading

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Warp Drive: Science Fiction or Future Reality?

This video segment explores the possibilities of creating a warp drive spacecraft that isn’t bound by the cosmic speed limit of lightspeed. The idea highlighted in the video is that fluctuations in spacetime itself would propel the spacecraft, as opposed to the spacecraft propelling itself through space. This complex theoretical process is described in the […] Continue reading

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Rosetta’s Trajectory

This photo found on NASA’s Solar Exploration page diagrams the trajectory for the European Space Agency’s mission Rosetta’s exploration of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Launched in 2004, Rosetta has since flown-by Earth three times, Mars, and two asteroids, and is scheduled to arrive at the comet later this year.  It’s so how cool scientist are ale … Continue reading Rosetta’s Trajectory Continue reading

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Could Titan hold life?

A joint mission with the NASA and ESA called Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) will explore Titan’s surface more in depth. It will allow us to see if the liquid-water features have allowed life to form on Titan. If there were life, it would obviously have to be adapted to the -180⁰C surface temperature and… Continue reading

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Is There Anybody Out There?

We have always asked the question, “Are we alone in the Universe?” Until now we firmly do not have an answer. But there is a little dreamer kid in all of us, including scientists. Which is why when NASA announced  it would be sending a probe to deep space, they decided to include a message … Continue reading Is There Anybody Out There? Continue reading

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Our Bodies on Mars

I discovered an interesting article from the magazine Wired about the importance of gravity when it comes to our bodies’ ability to function. It specifically discussed the challenges of colonizing Mars in regards to gravity. Of course before we can think about the challenges of living on Mars we would have to overcome the challenges […] Continue reading

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The Space Race

The Space Race was a competition of sorts between the United States and the Soviet Union that started in 1955 and led to the first artificial satellites being sent into orbit, the first humans being sent into space, and the first humans landing on the Moon. The USA was the first to announce intentions to… Continue reading

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