Category Archives: Stars

Welcome to Neverland

In my Astronomy class this semester, we will be learning about the Solar System and the universe we reside in. The world can seem so small but is massive when looked at through a Cosmic Perspective. I have always been a child at heart, so Disney is intertwined in everything I do. There are so many … Continue reading Welcome to Neverland Continue reading

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Intro Post

Here is a photo I took at Joshua Tree National Park, this is one of my favorite astrophotography pictures I have taken over the years. Continue reading

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The Fate of Our Solar System

With this being the final blog of the semester, I thought it would be fitting to write about the eventual fate of our Solar System – In approximately 5 billion years, as our Sun’s lifetime on the Main Sequence comes to end, the Sun (through the process of converting  gravitational potential energy to thermal energy) […] Continue reading

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Where Do We Go from Here?

Given that NASA is a government agency, it’s a little worrisome how it’s funding can be pretty wantonly taken and given as the government sees fit. (That’s why privatization of the space industry through companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX is so necessary) However, Nasa is currently budgeted .5% of our national budget- that’s 18.4 billion-so […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

After already having done research on the Drake equation and its implications for extra-solar life, the next question begs to be answered. If there really are so many earth-like planets out there that may have evolved intelligent life, why haven’t we heard from any of them? This is the underlying question that lies behind a […] Continue reading

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The Twin Sunsets

When you think of tatooine from Star Wars, you may think of a couple of things – sand, sand barges, more sand(it gets everywhere), and the twin suns we see in the beginning of A New Hope. While Star Wars may be a space fantasy and the dual stars seem outlandish since we are in … Continue reading The Twin Sunsets Continue reading

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Are We Alone?

  I’ll actually take the liberty of answering that. Of course not! How, in our exponentially infinite and ever expanding universe, could it have been us that just happened to luck out on the single life supporting planet? There is certainly other life out there, it’s just a matter of where and what type. Operating […] Continue reading

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Shine on, Crazy Diamond

All the light we see and information we receive in our day to day lives is all thanks to the sun- but do we ever really stop to think what allows the sun to produce to light we so rely on? The sun actually relies heavily on quantum physics to even exist- which sounds very […] Continue reading

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What is a pulsar?

              WHAT IS A PULSAR? Pulsars are some of the most interesting astronomical objects out there and are the subject of intense study by teams of scientists around the world. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars that emit beams of intense energy from their magnetic poles.  Here, it is…

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Red, White, and Blue: The Star Life Cycle

We’ve talked a bit about black body radiation and how some stars appear more reddish or bluish, or maybe even just white. But how  and why do stars appear as more reddish or bluish, and why are some stars larger than others? What makes Red Giants and White Dwarfs special? Well, it all has to … Continue reading Red, White, and Blue: The Star Life Cycle Continue reading

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