Category Archives: Universe

The End of an Era

Sadly, this will be the last post of the solarblogdotcom. Through out theses posts we have explored many of the amazingly interesting topics of the solar system. Although the picture above shows the Galaxy, It is still a great photo to end on, because you never truly know whats out there until you look forContinue reading “The End of an Era” Continue reading

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May the 4th be with you: the Twin Suns of Tatooine

One of my recent blogs crushed the dreams of many Star Wars fans by debunking the close proximity of asteroids within an asteroid field in The Empire Strikes Back. That is why, in the spirit of Star Wars Day, I will be sharing an aspect of the films that Star Wars ended up getting correct:Continue reading “May the 4th be with you: the Twin Suns of Tatooine” Continue reading

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Drake Equation

The Drake equation is an equation that helps find out the possibility of alien civilizations. As shown above the N represents the number of civilizations with advanced technology through out the milky way. The equation is particularly interesting because depending on the person, you can find out if the person is a pessimist or anContinue reading “Drake Equation” Continue reading

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My Perspective of the Universe

Throughout this astronomy class, my eyes have been opened to the vastness, complexity, order, and majesty of the universe. In learning about our solar system and the processes which formed the planets and everything about them, I have seen how many different pieces must come together in order for the Earth to spin, orbit theContinue reading “My Perspective of the Universe” Continue reading

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Blog 8—A fictional explanation to the Fermi paradox

As we learned from our class, there are several possible explanations to the Fermi paradox. One of them is that the aliens are hiding from us. For this blog, I would like to share a fictional theory in the novel “The Three-Body Problem.” In this book, the author expands the idea that aliens are hidingContinue reading “Blog 8—A fictional explanation to the Fermi paradox” Continue reading

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Drake Equation

The Drake equation is an equation used to estimate the amount of civilizations humans can communicate with. The Drake Equation was made by Frank Drake an American astronomer and astrophysicist from Chicago Illinois. The equation takes into factor only planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Drake Equation helps try to answer a question we’veContinue reading “Drake Equation” Continue reading

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Astrobiology is the study of life and the universe and the search for life beyond it. Nasa lists astrobiology as having three questions “How does life begin and evolve? Is there life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it? What is the future of life on Earth and in the universe?” andContinue reading “Astrobiology” Continue reading

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Reflection on Astronomy 2110

The biggest thing I will take away from all that I have learned in Astronomy this year is just how small and irrelevant humans are both in comparison to the size and timeline of the universe. I had always heard that the universe was infinitely big but never thought anything of it and didn’t considerContinue reading “Reflection on Astronomy 2110” Continue reading

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Supermassive Blackholes and the Milky Way

In 1993, radio engineer Karl Janksy was recording 20.5 MHz radio waves when he noticed something strange. He could clearly classify majority of the waves received into either distant or nearby thunderstorms. However, there was a third type of static that he could not explain. Janksy put on his detective hat and, after many monthsContinue reading “Supermassive Blackholes and the Milky Way” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

Ever since humans have first become interested in space, the inevitable question of “does life exist outside of Earth” has loomed over us. However, as technology has progressed and humanity has trekked deep into space, the question remains unanswered. This brings about a certain paradox regarding the existence of alien life. The universe is almostContinue reading “The Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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