Moon Phases in the Southern Hemisphere

While reading Chapter 2 in the textbook, I realized how much of a difference living in the southern hemisphere would affect the way you view space. I think we generally tend to think of things as being similar if not the same in the southern hemisphere, especially something as universal as the stars in the sky or phases of the moon. However this is not the case, and although the textbook doesn’t mention explicitly the differences in moon phases, I did some extra research. 

When I learned about the phases of the moon in elementary or middle school, I was taught to identify a waning crescent vs. a waxing crescent based on which side of the moon was lit. For a waxing crescent, the moon was lit on the right side and vice versa for a waning crescent; therefore, I always associated waxing with the right-direction. However, this logic actually only applies in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, the moon appears “upside down,” but the name of the phase the moon is in remains the same no matter which hemisphere you are in. Thus, the moon is lit on the left side while waxing and the right side while waning. The part of the moon lit by the sun grows from right to left in the northern hemisphere and left to right in the southern hemisphere. This is a similar concept to stars appearing to rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Like most things in astronomy, it is all a matter of perspective. As a result, to tell which phase the moon is in from a single picture, the first question you should ask is which hemisphere the photo was taken from. That being said, no matter which hemisphere you are in, if the moon appears to grow in size (perhaps over a series of pictures), it is waxing, and waning if shrinking. I use the mnemonic, “wax on, wane off” to remember.

The picture below shows the difference between hemispheres, and this website does a good job of explaining further.

Image from Primary Homework Help authored by Mandy Barrow
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Blog 0: Introducing Me

By Me

Hey everyone! Here’s a picture of me at the Audubon Aquarium in New Orleans from a road trip I took in May 2022 . Though not particularly astronomical, penguins have always been some of my favorite animals; plus this picture was more fun than some of the others.

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Welcome to Mo’s Astronomy Blog!

The beautiful night sky as seen from South Africa!

To find more stargazing spots in Africa, visit:

Top Stargazing Spots Africa | Find The Best Spots In Africa (

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Pink Floyd probably didn’t study Astronomy

Although it’s one of my favorite albums, Dark Side of the Moon is not consistent with our scientific discoveries in space. There is no dark side of the moon.

Here’s a link with more information about the album and the website from which I obtained the picture:
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Blog 0 – Introduction

I was outside with my dad and brother a couple of weeks ago and saw this moon. Thought it looked cool so I took a grubby photo with my phone. Some info on the phases of the moon.

Outstandingly High Quality Image by me

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Blog 0 post

Photo By Me

This is my first ever headshot that was taken on Vanderbilt’s campus.

You can find some cool facts about links between music and astronomy here

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“The Fault in Our Stars”

One of my favorite topics in science since I took AP Chemistry has been the concept of entropy. (So much so that I’ve adopted it as my internet pseudonym to allude to my tendency to catalyze social controversy wherever I go.)

Entropy was the first abstract concept that I encountered; we didn’t have a perfect system in putting numbers to it as it is quite literally a measure of unpredictability. But what fascinated me most of all, is that it’s the one exception to the cyclical and conservative nature of the universe that I had been taught before. And it is this exception that will spell the end for the universe.

One of the axioms of primary school science classes is that energy is neither created nor destroyed. And that still holds true when you bring entropy into the equation. However, entropy is the cosmos’ factor of inefficiency and imperfection— the amount of energy in the universe remains constant but the amount that stays within usable grasp dissipates with the travel of time’s arrow.

For example, we harvest fossil fuels to operate auto-technology, but as you may have heard from climate activists, it isn’t a source with a large net wield of usable energy. Only about 1/3 of the energy released from the bond enthalpies of these hydrocarbons actually keep our machinery going or provide us with electricity.

Nuclear is by far one of the power sources with the largest percent wield of usable energy. But even it doesn’t provide us with 100%; a small fraction of its energy still goes into useless molecular heat.

Energy used for movement isn’t excluded either, the enigma of friction turns a fraction of kinetic energy into heat as well.

Even if we were to leave our solar system in the event of the sun’s stellar death, there would come a point where the amount of usable energy around us would run out. The accumulation of this escaping heat would make it impossible for life to continue since the synthesis of ATP of course, requires energy. The symbiosis of autotrophs, heterotrophs and their ecosystems would cease.

If we were to give entropy a numerical value, it would always be increasing since the physical imperfections described above are always present. When it eventually reaches its maximum, all of the energy in the universe will be turned into unusable heat. The universe would also have likely expanded far beyond the bounds it holds now, so all of said heat will be sparse. This is called the Heat Death of the universe, named for both its cause of all energy being in the form of heat and the heat being so dispersed that it would feel as if no heat is present at all.

As we’ve learned in the reading, stars and galaxies which we have observed have shown a tendency to recycle their components; the collapse of these astronomical structures often lead to the birth of others. Nebulas provide a nursery for new stars.

But entropy is the line embedded into the code of the universe that eventually leads to the exiting of the loop.

It’s the fault in our stars.

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Introductory Blog

This is a picture of me from my senior year in high school in New Jersey. I am currently a junior at Vanderbilt studying Electrical Engineering and am excited to be taking this class. I would like to work with microprocessors in the future as my job.

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Welcome to “This isn’t Zenon”

picture taken by myself

Hi everyone! My name is Kayla and I would like to issue a warm welcome to my blog “This Isn’t Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century”. I am excited to share my thoughts and perspectives this semester. For those wondering, yes, the title of my blog is inspired by the movie, Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century.

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Introducing Myself

By Me

Hi, my name is Adam Cui, fun fact about me is that I’ve played the violin for 11 years! Here’s a hyperlink to an article from my high school newspaper featuring me in the All-State orchestra.

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