Tag Archives: astronomy

Music City Eclipse 2017

As many of you heard, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Nashville, TN on August 21st, 2017. “It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because it is the first total solar eclipse to happen in the United States in 99 years,” – VisitMusicCity.com. We can see a solar eclipse from the Earth when the Moon moves […] Continue reading

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Have you ever thought about telescopes closely? What are they made of? What type of lens is used in a telescope? Who invented it? I got really interested in this topic and in this blog-post I will try to share the information I found with you. “The telescope is one of humankind’s most important inventions. […] Continue reading

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The Future of Humans on Mars

Humans inhabiting Mars has been a much debated topic amongst engineers, astronomers, and scientists for decades. Stories of manned missions to Mars can be found in film, books, and other forms of popular culture. The notion of colonizing Mars is often accompanied by the imminent doom of our home planet. However, in order for a […] Continue reading

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Bootstrapping Space Industry

In 2012, Philip Metzger and some of his colleagues from the Kennedy Space Center worked on a paper theorizing how we could “bootstrap” our way across the Solar System. The first step of their plan was to get materials to the Moon’s surface. From there, development of the industry would continue as the field of robotics has… Continue reading

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Contact: The Third Answer to Fermi’s Paradox

The Fermi paradox posits that there are only three possible answers to the question “Where is everybody?” in terms of the search for other intelligent life in the Universe. The three possibilities are as follows: We are alone Civilizations are common, but no one has colonized the galaxy There is a galactic civilization, but it […] Continue reading

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Contact: The Third Answer to Fermi’s Paradox

The Fermi paradox posits that there are only three possible answers to the question “Where is everybody?” in terms of the search for other intelligent life in the Universe. The three possibilities are as follows: We are alone Civilizations are common, but no one has colonized the galaxy There is a galactic civilization, but it …

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Titan’s Peaks

Mountains have always been a source of fascination for me. I climbed my first 14er, Mt. Yale (Elevation 14,199 ft.), when I was in middle school. Hopefully one day I can return to Colorado to climb more as well as many other mountains in this world. One of my favorite mountains is Mount Amiata in […] Continue reading

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Voyager Golden Record – Reading the Instructions

On my last unrestricted blog post, I began a series of posts on my favorite topic in astronomy: The Voyager Golden Record. If you missed that blog post you can check it out here. Basically, the golden record is a message in a bottle being cast into the cosmic ocean. It will go very far […] Continue reading

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Pluto’s Kind Heart

  Pluto has been a topic of fascination for astronomers for a long time now. With the recent flyby of the New Horizons Spacecraft, a new image of Pluto has captivated the world. Pluto has a heart. Well not actually a heart but a region that looks like a heart! I guess Pluto is really […] Continue reading

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Pluto – A Dwarf Planet

Pluto is a Dwarf planet in the ring of objects beyond Neptune called the Kuiper Belt. Similar to other objects in the Kuiper Belt, Pluto is composed of rock and ice. Its orbital period is 248 Earth years, and has an inclined orbital path compared to all the planets whose paths lie in the ecliptic […] Continue reading

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