Tag Archives: astronomy

My newfound view of Astronomy and our Solar System

Throughout this semester, I have learned so many new and fascinating things about our solar system and astronomy as a whole. Whether it be learning more about the fathers of Astronomy such as Copernicus or Galileo or mind-boggling concepts such as gravity, I now understand that I have only scratched the surface of understanding the […] Continue reading

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How the Moons Got Their Names

I think one of the most interesting things about the moons of our Solar System is their names. We have named planets after the Greek Roman gods, and most of their moons after characters from myths that relate to those…

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The Moons of the Jovian Planets

Some of the most well known moons in our Solar System, aside from our own, are Jupiter’s Moons. They are known as Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. However, there are over 170 known moons that orbit all of the Jovian…

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Is There a Planet Nine?

For centuries, humans have been observing the stars and the planets searching to understand more about the sky. As our technology becomes more sophisticated, so do the problems that we try and solve. Currently, there is a cluster of extreme trans-Neptunian objects with unexplained phenomena in their orbits. These objects all complete the closest part […] Continue reading

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Why Does The Moon Look Like It Does?

In my previous blog post, I discussed the Giant Impact Hypothesis and how the Moon is thought to have been created. Now I want to talk about how the Moon came to look like it does. Just like every other…

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Theory of the Creation of the Moon

Over the decades, there have been many hypotheses made about how our Moon was formed. There are many possibilities that we can rule out simply due to the facts that we know about the Universe. Firstly, we know that the…

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How the Moon Affects the Earth’s Tides

It is a common misconception that the tides on Earth are caused because the Moon’s gravitational pull is just pulling the ocean towards it. However, if this were the case then there would only be one tidal change every day…

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Moon Phases!

To start off, I am going to be focusing on our own Earth’s Moon. As we all know, the Moon goes through phases as it orbits the planet. It’s current phase is dependent on where it is in the sky…

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Hello Everyone!

My name is McKenzie King! I am 18 years old and a Freshman at Vanderbilt University! I am currently in my second semester and taking a lecture all about our Solar System. This blog is a project that my Professor…

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Introductory Post! -Johann West

NASA Voyager Galleries

This is a photo of Neptune, my favorite planet in the solar system, besides Earth of course. It is my favorite planet for the simple reasons that I find it nice to look at, and Neptune is the Roman version of Poseidon, wh… Continue reading

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