Tag Archives: black hole

Black Holes

Black holes have always been one of the most fascinating things about our universe. I’m sure everyone remembers how the internet went insane when this photo was released. Black holes are everywhere in popular media like movies and video games. The concept that something so massive exists and nothing can ever escape from it astonishes […] Continue reading

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So what is a Black Hole?

by me A black hole is an astronomical object in space where the gravitational pull is so strong that nothing can escape from it, including light. The “surface” of a black hole is known as the event horizon. Black holes are undetectable by telescopes because no light can escape from them; However, they can be […] Continue reading

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The Hubble Space Telescope turns 32!

On April 24, 2022, the Hubble Space Telescope celebrated its 32nd birthday. To commemorate the celebration of the most famed telescope man has ever seen, the team behind the telescope released an image of Hickson Compact Group 40, the shot containing 5 whole galaxies, taken by Hubble late last year. Nearly all of the galaxies […] Continue reading

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Exotic Energy Concepts

With the pressing concerns regarding climate change, alternative sources of energy have been a prevalent topic of discussion. These sources range from feasible ideas such as nuclear power to ideas a bit more far fetched, such as harnessing energy from waves. While the alternative energy sources in question are all relatively feasible, there are someContinue reading “Exotic Energy Concepts” Continue reading

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Hello Powehi

In the center of the galaxy M87, stars seem to orbit an invisible object. By observing the path of the stars, scientists concluded that there is a supermassive black hole that is dense enough to cause these motions. Although the black hole itself is invisible, we can still observe the ring of light bended by … Continue reading Hello Powehi Continue reading

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Hypervelocity Stars

In 2005, the first hypervelocity star (HVS) was discovered by Smithsonian astronomers. These objects are defined as stars with very high velocities compared to normal star velocities in a galaxy. Some of them have velocities that exceed the escape velocity of the galaxy. They are thought to originate from encounters of binary stars with the … Continue reading Hypervelocity Stars Continue reading

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The Mysterious Black Hole

The black hole is one of the most amazing and mysterious object in our universe. In 1916, Karl Schwarzschild first provided the solution to general relativity that characterize a black hole. Black hole is the remnant of super massive star’s explosion, and it has such a strong gravitational pull that nothing can escape, not even … Continue reading The Mysterious Black Hole Continue reading

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Blog 8: What If You Fell In A Blackhole?

In a black hole, spacetime is curved infinitely. Light cannot escape. Black holes have fascinated mankind for years, but what would happen if you actually reached the event horizon? What would happen if you fell into a black hole? It’s likely you would be pulverized by other objects, burn via light radiation, experience spaghettification, or … Continue reading Blog 8: What If You Fell In A Blackhole? Continue reading

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Death by Black Hole

Unfortunately, astronomers and physicists are pretty sure you can’t just go through a black hole and pop out the other side – you will, in fact, die. The real question is, how exactly will you die? Continue reading

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Black Hole!

A black hole is a mathematically defined region of spacetime exhibiting such a strong gravitational pull that no particle or electromagnetic radiation can escape from it. (Definition from Wikipedia) General relativity indicates that a sufficient density can deform spacetime to form a black hole. The boundary of the region from which nothing can escape is called the event horizon. It has no detectable features when observing something traveling across an… Continue reading

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