Tag Archives: blog1

Blog #1

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Something about the night sky has fascinated people for centuries. Even in early civilizations, people have demonstrated keen interest in both watching the sky and making observations about the phenomena they observed. Despite its long history, astronomy has evolved over time to reflect new technologies available for observation … Continue reading Blog #1 Continue reading

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Blog #1

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Something about the night sky has fascinated people for centuries. Even in early civilizations, people have demonstrated keen interest in both watching the sky and making observations about the phenomena they observed. Despite its long history, astronomy has evolved over time to reflect new technologies available for observation … Continue reading Blog #1 Continue reading

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Blog #1: Understanding Moon Phases

The moon has always captivated man. The pattern of moon phases is easy enough to understand on its own, but once you add in time of rise and fall and the position of the moon relative to Earth, things get a little more complicated. This website from McGraw Hill offers an interactive way to understand … Continue reading Blog #1: Understanding Moon Phases Continue reading

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Blog 1: We Are All So Small!

Space is such a fascinating thing. There is just so much out there beyond our planet: so much we know about and even more we don’t know about! Growing up in school, we all learned about the solar system. As a result, we concluded that maybe our world isn’t the center of the universe like we may have … Continue reading “Blog 1: We Are All So Small!” Continue reading

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Music City Eclipse 2017

As many of you heard, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Nashville, TN on August 21st, 2017. “It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, because it is the first total solar eclipse to happen in the United States in 99 years,” – VisitMusicCity.com. We can see a solar eclipse from the Earth when the Moon moves […] Continue reading

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The Key Effortless Self-improvement

We’d all probably like to believe that astrology is real so we can identify with the redeeming qualities of our own sign and to hold fast to promising horoscopes. However, zodiac signs are not only false because of their vagueness, which allows each sign to at least partially relate to every human, but also due to […] Continue reading

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Orientation Shift

According to my horoscope today, I’m motivated to complete a project I’ve left unfinished and I should approach my tasks one at a time. In reality, I have three piles of unfinished laundry and a to-do list a mile long with no desire to do any of it. My horoscope for the day could be […] Continue reading

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The Speed of Light

Growing up I had frequently heard the phrase “Faster than the speed of light” but until now, I had no idea what that truly meant. Prior to this class, all I knew was that faster than the speed of light meant FAST, and that all human travel was slow in comparison. In fact, according to… Continue reading The Speed of Light Continue reading

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Is the speed of light constant or actually variable?

Throughout studies into interactions of various celestial bodies, one constant in putting into scope the mind-bogglingly vast distances has been the speed of light, via the distance unit of a light-year. The concept of the speed of light was first fully suggested when Einstein hypothesized that the speed of light plays the role of infinite speed […] Continue reading

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Star Chart App

            It’s always fun to stare at the night sky! Yet stargazing is always more fun when you know what … More Continue reading

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