Tag Archives: blog3

What’s in Charge of Earth’s Long-Term Climate Change?

Climate change has been worsening, so much so that when news outlets report on it the term sounds like just another buzzword. Current projections of the United States’ future coastlines don’t look at all forgiving. Where did this catastrophe start? Well, to answer that question we have to examine four key factors: solar brightening, changesContinue reading “What’s in Charge of Earth’s Long-Term Climate Change?” Continue reading

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The Carrington Event

When Dr. G first mentioned the Carrington Event in class, I was equally interested and terrified. The idea that a solar coronal mass ejection could happen today and wreak havoc on electrical grids leading to blackouts and an inability to communicate has now been added to my list of fears (much in the same veinContinue reading “The Carrington Event” Continue reading

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Fusion in Warfare

The world of nuclear warheads and atomic bombs is one best left in the hypothetical. It is scary to think how we are all essentially alive at the will of those in possession of said nuclear weapons. While the prospect of their eventual use is frightening, the fact that we are able to create suchContinue reading “Fusion in Warfare” Continue reading

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What threat do Coronal Mass Ejections Pose to Us?

As discussed in class, one of the side effects of the Sun’s shifting magnetic field is that, occasionally, it arranges in an inconvenient fashion that causes the Sun’s plasma to explode aggressively outward. Thankfully, whenever that comes towards Earth, we are protected from any health effects thanks to our atmosphere. But as Professor Grundstrom mentioned,Continue reading “What threat do Coronal Mass Ejections Pose to Us?” Continue reading

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Radioactivity can be described by radio active decay. The ultimate goals of the atom are to become stable, and when the numbers of protons and neutrons are not ideal, they release some of them. This is the atom changing the nucleus to a new nucleus, which is known as radioactive decay. A half-life is aContinue reading “Radioactivity” Continue reading

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Climate Change – Act Now!

Climate change has already had many significant impacts on our world.  Ice is melting globally, with glaciers shrinking and ice caps being broken up, causing rising sea levels.  This alone is devastating for plants and animals.  In case anyone would like to cry, here is a video of a starving polar bear on what is now iceless land.  ThereContinue reading “Climate Change – Act Now!” Continue reading

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Blog Post #3 Climate Change and Its Effects On Sea Level

Climate change or global warming is understood (or should be) as an environmental issue with serious and concerning human implications relating to both the causes and consequences of the process. The effects of climate change are observed through the emission and build-up of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Air pollutants and greenhouse gases, like waterContinue reading “Blog Post #3 Climate Change and Its Effects On Sea Level” Continue reading

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Aurora Borea-listen !

Looking at the picture above, it’s not hard to see why people often travel to observe the grandeur of the Aurora Borealis (aka ‘Northern Lights’). However, some who have seen it claim that alongside the visual spectacle, there’s an added auditory surprise: the Northern Lights make noise! According to CNN, evidence of sounds from theContinue reading “Aurora Borea-listen !” Continue reading

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The Formation and Evolution of our Atmosphere

Us residents of the Earth take our atmosphere for granted. We constantly bombard it with harmful chemicals and pollute it with manmade substances that can permanently damage our “forcefield” around Earth. After all, it is responsible from keeping us safe against the harmful rays of the sun and provides us with the oxygen we needContinue reading “The Formation and Evolution of our Atmosphere” Continue reading

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Death in Space

It is no secret that space travel is a risky and dangerous endeavor for all involved. As of 2021, 19 astronauts (including cosmonauts) have died in in-flight accidents. Only one accident, however, occurred in space—over 100 kilometers above the Earth.  Three Soviets (called cosmonauts) were aboard the Soyuz 11 in June of 1971, which was … Continue reading Death in Space Continue reading

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