Tag Archives: blog3

Tour de Light

If you’re like me, when you think of light you think of the visible light spectrum, the colors of the rainbow. In reality light is much more than what we can see with our eyes, the spectrum extends far in … Continue reading Continue reading

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Smiling Galaxy Cluster Found in Space!

That’s some intense gravitation lensing! A cluster of galaxies was recently discovered by the Hubble Telescope (AKA, uber relevant to class!) that appears to take on the shape of a bright smiling face. The galaxy cluster, known as SDSS J1038+4849, recently had the above picture taken by said telescope. While it may appear to us that […] Continue reading

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Radio Telescopes: Like Car Radios, but Bigger

When we think “telescope”, we picture peering through a viewfinder or viewing images of the stars. However, visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum; we can learn much about our galaxy by viewing visible light’s less frequent older brother, the radio wave. Radio telescopes are the technological descendants of actual radios (like … Continue reading Radio Telescopes: Like Car Radios, but Bigger Continue reading

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Radio Telescopes: Like Car Radios, but Bigger

When we think “telescope”, we picture peering through a viewfinder or viewing images of the stars. However, visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum; we can learn much about our galaxy by viewing visible light’s less frequent older brother, the radio wave. Radio telescopes are the technological descendants of actual radios (like … Continue reading Radio Telescopes: Like Car Radios, but Bigger Continue reading

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Absorption Spectra

Photo Source: Absorption Spectrum The photo above is the full absorption spectrum of the sun.  The black lines come from the different chemical elements within its atmosphere, and this is true for all stars!  Different elements absorb and emit light at different wavelengths from one another.  Scientists have conducted (here on earth) experiments to determine… Continue reading

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The first navigational tool

Image from kaloujm.com People have been using the sky as their source of navigation for years, and one of the first tools made for the purpose of aiding in navigation (that wasn’t a body part!) was the kamal.  The exact date is unsure, but it’s estimated that this tool came into use around the fifth […] Continue reading

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When we talk about light in our daily life, usually we only talk about visible lights. However, light can include any kind of electromagnetic waves. Lights in visible spectrum are the only lights which can be received and recognized by human eyes. From the very left to the right of the whole spectrum, lights of … Continue reading LIGHTS? OR ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES? Continue reading

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Tidal Changes from a Beach Stand

I worked for two years renting out beach umbrellas and chairs at Assateague State Park for two summers in high school. I would walk out to the beach and set up my little stand next to a fence used to protect the dunes from wandering beach-goers. Assateague has a very large sandbar and some days […] Continue reading

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Hubble Telescope

In April 1990 NASA launched the Hubble Telescope in an orbit around Earth. The telescope has been orbiting Earth for almost 25 years and is monumental in its contribution to science. The information gathered by the telescope has helped astronomers to narrow down the age of the universe down to a few hundred million years, […] Continue reading

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The Mystery of Stonehenge

The mysterious, striking structure of Stonehenge has fascinated archeologists, historians, and many people alike ever since its discovery. There are a multitude of theories as to what its purpose might have been, such as an astronomical observatory, a religious/spiritual site, and some even believe that it was placed on Earth by extraterrestrials. Many archeoastronomers believe… Continue reading The Mystery of Stonehenge Continue reading

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