Tag Archives: blog4

The Mysterious Black Hole

The black hole is one of the most amazing and mysterious object in our universe. In 1916, Karl Schwarzschild first provided the solution to general relativity that characterize a black hole. Black hole is the remnant of super massive star’s explosion, and it has such a strong gravitational pull that nothing can escape, not even … Continue reading The Mysterious Black Hole Continue reading

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The Militarization of Space: What We Know Might Scare You. What We Don’t Know is Probably Even Worse.

What do you think was the first man-made object in space? Who do you think launched that object? It may surprise you to find out that the first man-made object to reach space was a V-2 rocket launched by Nazi Germany in 1944. Fortunately, the Third Reich was defeated before their successes in rocketry could … Continue reading The Militarization of Space: What We Know Might Scare You. What We Don’t Know is Probably Even Worse. Continue reading

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Interplanetary Rocket Travel and the Rocket Equation

In rocket travel, one of the most essential elements is ∆v – the change in a ship’s velocity. The spaceship needs to accelerate to get out of the atmosphere, and then speed up to achieve orbit. If it’s going to another planet, it needs to achieve escape velocity from Earth, then speed up/slow down its … Continue reading Interplanetary Rocket Travel and the Rocket Equation Continue reading

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Blog 4: Humans back on the Moon and on to Mars

NASA’s plans for sending people to Mars are intertwined with their plans to send humans to the Moon more consistently, and hopefully to be able to establish a human presence their within the decade. They plan to launch the Gateway, a spaceship that will orbit the moon to support future trips there. They plan to launch … Continue reading Blog 4: Humans back on the Moon and on to Mars Continue reading

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Titan is one of the biggest moons in the solar system, and is the most similar object to Earth. The icy world is second in size to Jupiter’s Ganymede and is larger than the planet Mercury. Titan is very unique in that it is the only moon to have a dense atmosphere. Like Earth, the … Continue reading Titan Continue reading

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Reducing Sky Glow

Stargazing is awesome! But sometimes, the night sky is not visible due to light pollution. In cities like Nashville, a common type of light pollution is “sky glow”. Sky glow is the brightening of the entire night sky, especially in populated areas. The light pollution around Nashville inhibits our view of zodiacal light, airglow, and … Continue reading Reducing Sky Glow Continue reading

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Climate Change: Debunked

Contrary to popular belief, Earth’s climate has not always been the same; just in the last 650,000 years there has been several cycles of temperature rise and fall due to small changes in Earth’s orbit and the amount of energy Earth receives from the Sun. However, in the past 50 years, Earth’s climate has changed … Continue reading Climate Change: Debunked Continue reading

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Voyager: The End of the Road

Voyager 1 is the only human made object existing outside of the heliosphere of Earth. The Voyager space probes represent a level of exploration not seen since the era of European explorers, and in many ways exceed the ambition of those brave individuals. Aspects of the Voyager mission have been designed to last for an … Continue reading Voyager: The End of the Road Continue reading

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Oort Cloud!

I kept hearing about the Oort Cloud during this unit, so I wanted to do some more research on it. The Oort Cloud intrigues me because it is theoretical, meaning that we have not actually observed it empirically. In my last post, I talked about the Voyager missions. In another 300 years, the Voyager space … Continue reading Oort Cloud! Continue reading

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Dark Matter and Dark Energy

One of the more peculiar parts of our universe is the presence of a great deal of mass that we cannot see. When looking at the gravitational effects on the mass in the universe, it is apparent that a significant amount of matter must be present but is not visible to us, leading to its … Continue reading Dark Matter and Dark Energy Continue reading

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