Tag Archives: blog4

Venus – Is it Habitable?

When you think about humans moving to other planets, your train of thought probably leads you to think about Mars. Sending spacecrafts to Mars, talks of terraforming Mars, the works. But another planet that has been a subject of many science fiction stories is none other than Earth’s sister planet: Venus. Venus’ surface is hostile. […] Continue reading

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Where Did All of Mars’ Water Go?

It is currently known that Mars has only a fraction of the atmosphere that Earth has. This could be due to a number reasons ranging from its further distance away from the Earth and its smaller size in comparison to Earth and Venus, however, all terrestrial worlds had something that could have resembled an atmosphere … Continue reading Where Did All of Mars’ Water Go? Continue reading

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How Close Are We to Nuclear Fusion Reactors?

Harnessing nuclear energy as an energy source has long been an idea surrounded in mystery and fear. Very few people actually know how nuclear power plants work, but many people know how catastrophic nuclear reactor meltdowns can be. However, the kind of nuclear energy we can currently control in nuclear power plants is only one … Continue reading How Close Are We to Nuclear Fusion Reactors? Continue reading

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How Close Are We to Nuclear Fusion Reactors?

Harnessing nuclear energy as an energy source has long been an idea surrounded in mystery and fear. Very few people actually know how nuclear power plants work, but many people know how catastrophic nuclear reactor meltdowns can be. However, the kind of nuclear energy we can currently control in nuclear power plants is only one … Continue reading How Close Are We to Nuclear Fusion Reactors? Continue reading

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Voyager; Humanity’s Furthest Trace

The Telegraph   As time progresses, the sun will eventual expand, engulfing the rocky worlds of our solar system. With Earth vaporized, evidence of human life on Earth will disappear with the planet. Long after Earth’s demise the Voyager probes will continue to roam the cosmos, caring  evidence of human life, waiting to be discovered … Continue reading Voyager; Humanity’s Furthest Trace Continue reading

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Voyager; Humanity’s Furthest Trace

The Telegraph   As time progresses, the sun will eventual expand, engulfing the rocky worlds of our solar system. With Earth vaporized, evidence of human life on Earth will disappear with the planet. Long after Earth’s demise the Voyager probes will continue to roam the cosmos, caring  evidence of human life, waiting to be discovered … Continue reading Voyager; Humanity’s Furthest Trace Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

When it comes down to it, nuclear fusion is the basis for all life. Nuclear fusion is the combination of two atoms. This combination produces energy in the form of mass, and new elements with more protons than those that were used to create that element. Fusion happens on the sun due to the high … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion

When it comes down to it, nuclear fusion is the basis for all life. Nuclear fusion is the combination of two atoms. This combination produces energy in the form of mass, and new elements with more protons than those that were used to create that element. Fusion happens on the sun due to the high … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion Continue reading

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Shine on, Crazy Diamond

All the light we see and information we receive in our day to day lives is all thanks to the sun- but do we ever really stop to think what allows the sun to produce to light we so rely on? The sun actually relies heavily on quantum physics to even exist- which sounds very […] Continue reading

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Extreme Weather Patterns Across the Solar System

With stories about giant hurricanes devastating coastal towns and earthquakes shaking up cities on the fault lines, many people call weather on Earth extreme. When temperatures rise above 85°F or rains last for more than two days, people are quick to complain about Earth’s weather patterns. However, weather here on Earth is very mild compared … Continue reading Extreme Weather Patterns Across the Solar System Continue reading

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