Tag Archives: blog6

Planet Past Pluto?

In the image above, the red oval represents the suggested path of an elusive planet called Planet X. Astronomers have been observing the orbits of objects in our Solar System and have decided there’s a strong possibility a ninth planet, almost the size of Neptune, is orbiting our Sun. Although Planet X has yet to… Continue reading Planet Past Pluto? Continue reading

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Life: A Love Story

Sitting in my late-night astronomy lab last night, we watched a computer simulation (based completely on real, observed data) take us out as far into the universe as our understanding has gone. Starting in the Himalayas, Tibet, then Planet Earth, and rapidly, sooner than I thought possible, we were so far out of my realm … More Life: A Love Story Continue reading

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Blog 6- Trump Budget and Science

While not directly related to Astro 2110, I think that it is important to touch on the potential ramifications of the President’s recently released budget for the scientific community.  While it is unlikely that this exact budget will be passed, I think that it is nonetheless important to analyze.  It seems as though while the Trump… Continue reading

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Climate Change

Image Source Volcano activity is one of the most important factors that affect global climate change. Strong volcanic eruptions will release huge amounts of SO2 and sulfate aerosols that will strongly absorb solar radiation into the stratosphere, creating a global layer of sulfuric acid haze and cooling the Earth’s climate for more than 1 year. […] Continue reading

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Climate Change

Image Source Volcano activity is one of the most important factors that affect global climate change. Strong volcanic eruptions will release huge amounts of SO2 and sulfate aerosols that will strongly absorb solar radiation into the stratosphere, creating a global layer of sulfuric acid haze and cooling the Earth’s climate for more than 1 year. […] Continue reading

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Dyson Spheres on the Horizon?

We may be getting one step closer to the fabled hallmark of an advanced civilization, the Dyson Sphere. Pioneered by Freeman Dyson in the 1960s, a Dyson Sphere takes the process of energy generation to a level literally out of this world. A Dyson Sphere is a massive assemblage of solar energy collectors placed in […] Continue reading

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Where’s Waldo?

You thought finding Waldo was hard, searching for life in the universe might be a little harder… Continue reading

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The moon of Europa, or your practical guide to ice skating in space

Do you love astronomy? Do you also love ice skating? (I’m looking at you, Dr. G..) What if I told you that you could have the best of both worlds? You can(!), albeit approximately 4.2 AU away from Earth. Enter Europa, Jupiter’s icy sixth (both largest and closest) moon. Europa is an extremely young moon despite being […] Continue reading

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hawking radiation

on my flight back from amsterdam at the end of spring break, i finally had the opportunity and wherewithal to watch the theory of everything, the stephen hawking biopic from a couple of years ago. it got me thinking about a lot of things from my physics education in high school and more recently my pursuit … Continue reading hawking radiation Continue reading

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The Hubble telescope, which has been orbiting Earth for over 25 years, views the universe with a completely different perspective than what we can see on Earth. While the telescope is not necessarily responsible for amazing images like this one, it can be given credit for other just as powerful views of the universe. Its… Continue reading

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