Tag Archives: blog7

Messages to Space

Ever since humans realized there are worlds beyond our own, we have been curious if there is life outside of planet Earth. The universe is huge, so we can likely assume that somewhere out in the vastness of space there is life. But is it intelligent? Could we communicate with them? Would we even want […] Continue reading

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Blog 7: Interstellar Travel

In movies, spaceships often travel at the speed of light, but in reality, we are far from achieving this. Our fastest spacecraft only reach 1/10,000 of the speed of light taking them about 100,000 years to get to the nearest star system. Moreover, the spacecraft we’ve sent so far aren’t even headed towards Alpha Centauri due to […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox – Cameron Klein – Blog Post #7

Humans have never left the Milky Way. Therefore, it is really difficult to know if life truly exists beyond our galaxy. However, if humans were to become interstellar travelers (even if traveling at relatively slow speeds), we would be able to have humans all around the Milky Way in just a few million years! Though […] Continue reading

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The Drake Equation

Are we alone in the universe? This is the question that has driven years of space exploration and innovation. Humans have always wondered if there are other advanced civilizations similar to our own. Unfortunately, we lack technology that is advanced enough to know for certain. But in 1961, astronomer Frank Drake wrote an equation that […] Continue reading

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Life on Mars?

Does life/did life once exist in areas of the solar system outside of our home planet Earth? In trying to answer this question, we turn to our closest neighbor and most likely candidate, Mars. As of right now, there is no evidence, past or present, that Mars has ever been home to life. That being […] Continue reading

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Blog 7: Thermophiles!

In this blog, I’m going to be discussing all things thermophiles! Thermophiles are organisms that are found in really hot temperatures (60 degrees Celsius – 140 degrees Celsius). Found these organisms aren’t simply found there… they thrive there! Thermophiles typically inhabit a variety of extreme ecological sites, usually hot springs like in Yellowstone National Park […] Continue reading

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Are we there yet??🚀

In my entire life, I have never traveled outside of the country. Most people on Earth have never traveled off of Earth. And none of us have ever traveled outside of our Solar System! We know that travel to the Moon is possible, but is it possible to visit worlds in other planetary systems? Is […] Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

The well-known Fermi Paradox is a simple question with no clear answer: “where are all the aliens?” Given the immense size of our galaxy (not to mention the size of the entire universe), it seems likely that life would have bloomed on other planets, and that on at least some planets, this life would be […] Continue reading

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Blog #7 Extremophiles

Photo of an extremophile water bear captured using an electron microscope. Extremophiles are creatures which are capable of living in extreme environments beyond what one might imagine are the limits of life. Extremophiles have attracted attention from the scientific community because of their potential to exist in the most extreme environments in outer space. One […] Continue reading

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Drake Equation

How many civilizations are there in our galaxy? As a kid, I was awestruck by the knowledge of just how small we are as compared to the universe. The concept of “me” is nothing more than a tiny stardust living in 1 of the 100 billion star systems in our galaxy. However, if there are […] Continue reading

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