Tag Archives: blog7

Protoplanet Publicity

Scientists have located what they believe to be the first direct observation of a planet forming in its stellar womb of gas and dust. Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope, Sascha Quanz and an international team of scientists has been studying the young star HD 100546 and its surrounding gas. They were surprised when they spotted […] Continue reading

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Cratering, Water, and the Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay crater is the largest impact crater in the US.  The meteorite that struck Earth an estimate 35 million years ago cause water and rock to splash all […] Continue reading

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Kepler 2.0 Looks for Earth 2.0

Within the last week, a new break through has been made in the search for extrasolar planets, or planets orbiting another star other than our Sun. As we’ve know, other stars, or other distant suns, hold the possibility of other solar systems. Ideally, these solar systems may contain another Earth-like planet, which could possibly lead […] Continue reading

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Drawing Closer to Discovering the Mysteries of Pluto

Right now Pluto is a very mysterious planet. No man-made object has flown by it and so there is not a lot of information on its global geology or chemical composition on the surface. In 2 years however, New Horizons will finally reach the dwarf planet and retrieve valuable data that astronomers have seeked for […] Continue reading

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The Planet Formerly Known as Pluto

I remember that growing up, I was always told that there were 9 planets in our Solar System. I always found Pluto very interesting, and even more so now that it has been demoted from its planet status.  This article provides many entertaining facts about the famous dwarf planet, a few of which I found extremely […] Continue reading

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The Planet Pluto

The little planet that could… Although I am only 22 years old, the world has changed a lot since I grew up. No longer are the days of hearing the obnoxious but familiar sound of dial-up internet, listening to music with a walkman in your hand instead of an ipod in your pocket, and above all else, […] Continue reading

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Oxygen on Europa?

Europa, which is one of the four largest moons orbiting Jupiter, is currently one of the top candidates for potential life. Europa’s surface is made of ice, but beneath all this ice, is an ocean of water. This water is likely due to tidal heating caused by Jupiter and is evidenced by the magnetic field […] Continue reading

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Searching the Sky

In class this week I was curious about how astronomers are able to constantly search for exoplanets. On one hand, I knew that the Kepler Space Telescope had played an integral part in discovering the roughly 2,740 exoplanetary candidates as of January 2013. However, keeping in mind how vast space is and how quickly exoplanets […] Continue reading

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Habitable Exoplanets

Researchers at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo have developed a rank ordering system of comparing exoplanets to Earth called the Earth Similarity Index. Using this system, scientists have been able to highlight a few exoplanets similar to Earth and have determined which ones are the most similar to Earth. To visit the website, […] Continue reading

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We Are The Aliens

We have always questioned if Earth is the only planet capable of sustaining life in the universe and whether one day, we will get to meet real life extraterrestrials. Well, if new evidence is to be believed, all we might have to do to look at aliens is go look at a mirror. Researchers at […] Continue reading

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