Tag Archives: me

Neil Degrasse Tyson

As my first post, here’s a picture I took of NDT during his lecture at Vanderbilt last semester, in all of his shoeless glory (he lectures without shoes on haha). Continue reading

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Hey there, I’m Dylan–I’m a junior at Vanderbilt majoring in philosophy and earth & environmental science. The outdoors are my big passion, and I’m really into rock climbing, paddling, and anything that will turn into an adventure. Here’s me at the beginning of the Abel Tasman Coastal Track in New Zealand, scoping the low tide … Continue reading Continue reading

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Brendan Feeley

Here is a Picture of Me. Continue reading

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Forest Park

This is a photo of probably my favorite place in the world: Forest Park in St. Louis.  This particular photo is a part of the park called Kennedy Forest.  Kennedy Forest has tons of dirt running paths and it is really fun just to get lost in the beauty of the place. Continue reading

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Vandy Rowing
http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1241&bih=584&tbm=isch&tbnid=U3gnBedfhecXxM:&imgrefurl=http://studentorgs.vanderbilt.edu/crew/&docid=9QKmd5_FKOXlVM&imgurl=http://studentorgs.vanderbilt.e… Continue reading

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Astro 201: A Space Odyssey

Hey Astro 201, this is a picture from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. I love music, movies and space, and this film has it all. There is no single piece of media that has ever made me wonder so far into the curiosities of human travel through time and space. What is really absurd […] Continue reading

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First Post

Hello! This is a picture from my fall 2012 semester I spent in Cape Town, South Africa. I thought it would be appropriate for my blog because this picture is taken from the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, and when you’re up there you feel like you’re on top of the world, and therefore closer […] Continue reading

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Rainbow Orion

An image of the Orion Nebula from NASA’s Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes.  The image is composed of light collected in infrared, visible, and ultraviolet wavelengths.  At the bright yellow center of the image are four stars called the Trapezium which are 100,000 times brighter than the sun.  Located 1,500 light years from Earth, the […] Continue reading

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Hey everyone, my name is Suruj D and I’m majoring in Electrical engineering with a minor in computer science. As you might have guessed from the picture above, I love soccer! I love watching it and playing it. My favorite team is Manchester City from the Premier League and I’ve been a City fan for […] Continue reading

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Hello world!

This is my first post on the my.vanderbilt.edu platform, and I hope I’m doing it right! Here is a picture of my girlfriend and I at my fraternity’s winter semi-formal event in downtown Nashville: Continue reading

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