Tag Archives: space

An out of this world semester…

What a wild ride it has been for me in astronomy 201. I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I am not strong in science, I took this course because I needed a credit for MNS and i sounded really interesting, and I didn’t know anyone in the class when it began. […] Continue reading

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Semester in Review

Final Thoughts… I have always been interested in space and the subject of astronomy. This is mainly because I was a huge Star Wars fan when I was younger and always hoped to see a ufo flying through the sky. However, after learning more on this subject I am truly amazed by all that our universe […] Continue reading

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The Universe

One thing I have been struck by this semester is how full the universe is, but at the same time, how empty it is.  When we look up at the night sky, even in ideal conditions with excellent eyesight, we would see at most a few thousand stars.  That gives you some perspective when I tell […] Continue reading

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And It All Leads Up To The Now

This semester we have studied everything from the creation of the universe to black holes to microscopic bacteria living on the bottom of the ocean floor. The range of topics covered in this class has helped round my view of the beginnings of time up until now and clarified many common misconceptions ranging from tides […] Continue reading

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Neutrinos and Other Strange Things in Space

An article on SPACE.com lists the “Top 10 Strangest Things in Space” including antimatter, exoplanets, quasars, and many others. I thought this list gave a very interesting overview (and cool pictures) of these more cutting-edge areas of astronomical research. It also explained why the existence of these things are significant. For example, galactic cannibalism may […] Continue reading

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There Aren’t any 5 star Restaurants in Space…

Can you imagine eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner by squeezing it out of a tube? If your childhood dream of becoming an astronaut had ever come true, that’s exactly what you’d be doing rather than enjoying your Randwich. Menu options for astronauts visiting Mercury, according to NASA, include freeze-dried powder, cube sized food, and tube stuffed … Continue reading » Continue reading

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Scale, Relativity, and the Power of 10

For my first official blog post, I’d like to write about the Powers of Ten video, and the subsequent site I came across because of it. Although I have seen the Powers of Ten video in a class several years ago, watching it again filled me with the same sense of curiosity and amazement as […] Continue reading

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Powers of Ten and orders of magnitude

For my first “real” blog post, I chose to check out the Powers of Ten video. I was interested in this prompt in particular because in my geomorphology class, we’ve been discussing orders of magnitude as a means of talking about geological concepts like subsidence, uplift, and the residence time of sediments, so I thought … Continue reading Continue reading

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Rainbow Orion

An image of the Orion Nebula from NASA’s Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescopes.  The image is composed of light collected in infrared, visible, and ultraviolet wavelengths.  At the bright yellow center of the image are four stars called the Trapezium which are 100,000 times brighter than the sun.  Located 1,500 light years from Earth, the […] Continue reading

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