Tag Archives: technology

Monkeys in Space!

The pioneer monkey in space was named Albert II. On his mission, he made it 83 miles above the Earth. However, despite surviving the trip up, Albert II died when his parachute malfunctioned on his way down.  On his trip, he was under anesthesia, and attached to sensors so that scientists could monitor his vitals… Continue reading Monkeys in Space! Continue reading

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Earth(s) 2.0

The idea of life in other star systems has long intrigued mankind. However, it is likely that before life can be identified we must discover the planets upon which this life would spawn. Within the star system TRAPPIST-1, seven Earth-sized planets have been discovered, three of which are within the star’s habitable zone. The star […] Continue reading

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12 Billion Miles Away and On Your TV

Ever wondered how a probe called Voyager managed to make it 12 billion miles away from this pale blue dot? … More Continue reading

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The Social Implications of Interstellar Travel

It is likely that all of us have grown up with at least one media account of the final frontier, be that Star Wars, Star Trek, Martian, or even Men in Black. Because of the inherent human fascination with the notion of interstellar travel, with arguably the greatest (presently) unanswerable question known to our species, … More The Social Implications of Interstellar Travel Continue reading

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Rosetta and Philae

In March of 2004, two friends went ont he adventure of a lifetime. These two friends were the Rosetta space … More Continue reading

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The Voyager Golden Record

  The Voyager Golden Record was a disc of sounds and images included with both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, both designed to study Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 went on to study Uranus and Neptune, and is the only spacecraft to have visited them. However, these spacecraft are still gathering and emitting data even […] Continue reading

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Star Trails

Star trails are probably some of the most well-known and well-received type of astrophotography out there, as the beautiful circular patterns the stars make as Earth rotates are truly mesmerizing and sometimes even inspirational. I know I always find time to look up at night and appreciate the night sky and the stars and even […] Continue reading

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A bit on Technology

Since I’m in the School of Engineering and the topics for this blog are a little more open ended, I … More Continue reading

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New technologies in mapping space weather

One of the fundamental concepts in the study of astronomy is the dependency of Earth and every other planet in the solar system on the  characteristics of the Sun. From emissions of hot gas to violent space wind to bursts of extra energy (via solar flares), the behavior  of the Sun, dubbed as space weather, […] Continue reading

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Blog #1

Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. Something about the night sky has fascinated people for centuries. Even in early civilizations, people have demonstrated keen interest in both watching the sky and making observations about the phenomena they observed. Despite its long history, astronomy has evolved over time to reflect new technologies available for observation … Continue reading Blog #1 Continue reading

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