Tag Archives: Uncategorized

Kepler Mission

Kepler Kepler was launched by NASA in March 2009 and the main mission is to find habitable planets like earth orbiting other stars in our Milky Way besides searching for exoplanets is this galaxy. Earth like planets must be a terrestrial planet, the size must not differ much from the earth’s, and it must be … Continue reading Kepler Mission Continue reading

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Specific Europa Mission Currently Under Works, Now Named

In the quest to find habitable bodies, Jupiter’s moon Europa has been a high priority on the exploration list due to its liquid saltwater ocean underneath its ice crust. Three key ingredients for life must be present in order for biological activity to take place: liquid water, chemical ingredients, and energy sources able to enable […] Continue reading

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Blog 6: Trio of Solar Flares

Between April 2 to the 3 of 2017, three solar flares peaked out of the sun. Solar flares send out powerful bursts of radiation. This radiation is harmful, but luckily cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to harm humans. These solar flares however can affect, if strong enough, to disturb atmosphere layers where GPS and communication […] Continue reading

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Diamonds Are A Planet’s Best Friend

All planets with an atmosphere experience weather of some kind. An atmosphere allows a planet to experience wind and various forms of precipitation. On Earth, precipitation comes in the form of liquid and frozen water. Scientists have reasons to believe that on Jupiter and Saturn instead of raining water it rains diamonds. Saturn has an atmosphere that […] Continue reading

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Blog 5: Pluto

Pluto’s atmosphere is layered making observations hard to figure out. While its atmosphere appears to be mostly cloud free, images taken by the new horizons’ cameras have shown potential clouds. These clouds would mean that the weather on Pluto is even more complex than previously understood or imaged.   Pluto’s surface is icy and has […] Continue reading

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NASA’s Spitzer telescope has recently discovered multiple Earth size planets orbiting a single star. 7 planets to be exact. The system was named TRAPPIST after the Belgian operated telescope in Chile that discovered the first two planets. These planets are relatively close to us as well. 40 lightyears may seem like a lot, but in astronomical […] Continue reading

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New Horizons Probe Halfway Between Pluto and Its Next Target in Kuiper Belt

Just today, (April 4) the NASA probe New Horizons reached its halfway point between the Pluto system and its next target in the Kuiper belt, the small object 2014 MU69. 2014 MU69 is a trans-Plutonian, rather small Kuiper Belt object; with an average diameter of only about 30 miles it is only about 1% the size of […] Continue reading

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Some Planets Are Just So Extra… (Extrasolar, That Is)

An extrasolar planet, or an exoplanet, is one which orbits a star other than our Sun. These planets provide interest and opportunities for research, because under the correct conditions, such as those upon Earth, there is a possibility that life could exist and/or be discovered upon these planets. By observing exoplanets, and specifically searching various… Continue reading Some Planets Are Just So Extra… (Extrasolar, That Is) Continue reading

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Blog 4: Electron Rainfall

Picture   Earths two radiation belt known as the Van Allen belts where discover in 1958. But recent discoveries have shown that a third belt will sometimes appear. The image above shows the three belts in yellow and green represents the space between them. The Van Allen Belts since they are regions of dynamic radiation […] Continue reading

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Juno Probe Makes Fourth Passage of Jupiter’s Clouds

  Last Monday (March 27), NASA’s Juno spacecraft made a historic passage within the vicinity of the cloud tops of Jupiter’s atmosphere, marking its fifth overall flyby of the gas giant and fourth “science pass”, or experimental run. The probe marked its closest point to the planet at 08:52 GMT, coming within 2700 miles of its […] Continue reading

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