Shaul's blog posts
![Jewish Cultural Studies 3 Cover Image](
The Bureaucratization of Ritual Innovation: The Festive Cycle of the American Soviet Jewry Movement
2011. Jewish Cultural Studies 3:360-391. Since the 1960s, social movements have been key forces in the development of new religious rituals that are reshaping American Judaism. This article examines how the American movement to free Soviet Jews systematized and even bureaucratized the process of ritual innovation as it developed an annual calendar of activities pegged…
Posted by kelnersj on December 12, 2011 in Articles, Research, articles, ritual, social movements, Soviet Jewry Movement
Constructing Jewish Belonging through Mass Tourism: Self-Narration in Israel Experience Programs
2011. An exploration of how identity narratives are constructed on Birthright Israel. Shaul Kelner. 2011. “Constructing Jewish Belonging through Mass Tourism: Self-Narration in Israel Experience Programs.” Chapter 9 in Harvey E. Goldberg, Steven M. Cohen and Ezra Kopelowitz, eds. Dynamic Belonging: Contemporary Jewish Collective Identities. New York: Berghahn Books. Pp. 171-187.
Posted by kelnersj on December 10, 2011 in Articles, Chapters, Research, Birthright Israel, chapters, israel, tourism
![Sh'ma Logo](
A Lexicon in Flux
Sh’ma February 2010, Issue no. 666: Do-it Yourself Judaism This new creative enterprise that has been variously referred to as start-ups, emergents, and the innovation ecosystem is now being called DIY, Do-It-Yourself, a term with roots in the subculture of punk music. Drawing on the lexicon of punk rock offers an important counterbalance to a…
Posted by kelnersj on September 28, 2011 in Media, jewish innovation, jewish leadership, op-eds
![Teaching Sociology Journal Cover Image](
Beyond the Field Trip: Teaching Tourism through Tours
2009. Teaching Sociology 37(2):136-150. With George Sanders. A course in the sociology of tourism offers an opportunity to examine a world-transforming force that is penetrating more and more aspects of social life. It also offers an opportunity to create a learning environment that uses the object of study as the medium of study. This article…
Posted by kelnersj on September 23, 2011 in Articles, Research, articles, pedagogy, SOC 218, tourism
Ritualized Protest and Redemptive Politics: Cultural Consequences of the American Mobilization to Free Soviet Jewry
2008. Jewish Social Studies 14(3): 1-37. The significance of the worldwide movement to free Soviet Jewry cannot be measured solely by its success in achieving its goals vis-à-vis Soviet Jews. It was also influential in shaping American Jewish political culture during the years it was active. During the 1960s and 1970s, and to a lesser…
Posted by kelnersj on September 22, 2011 in Articles, Research, articles, ritual, social movements, Soviet Jewry Movement
From Shrine to Forum: Masada and the Politics of Jewish Extremism
2008. Israel Studies 13(2): 146-63. With Theodore Sasson. Zionist collective memory has long associated Masada with the struggle to secure Jewish sovereignty over the land of Israel. This article examines the effects of the political upheavals of the Oslo and post-Oslo periods on the meanings ascribed to Masada. It documents the popularity of a critical…
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Research, articles, collective memory, israel, tourism
Jewish Educational Travel
2008. Drawing on anthropological research on travel and tourism, this chapter offers a theoretical groundwork for articulating a program of research in Jewish educational travel, broadly conceived. Shaul Kelner. 2008. “Jewish Educational Travel.” Pages 423-432 in What We Now Know About Jewish Education: Perspectives on Research for Practice. Edited by Roberta Louis Goodman, Paul J….
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Chapters, Research, chapters, pedagogy, tourism
![Cover Image for Tourism, Ethinic Diversity and the City](
Review of Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City
Review of Jan Rath’s Tourism, Ethnic Diversity and the City (Routledge, 2007) Shaul Kelner. 2008. Contemporary Sociology 37(1):80-81 From the review: “Integrating disparate literatures on tourism, postindustrial cities, global migration and cultural commoditization, C. Michal Hall and Jan Rath’s opening chapter lays out a straightforward thesis…. Like the Little Italys and Chinatowns which drew tourists…
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Research, Reviews, reviews, tourism
Who is Being Taught? Jewish Early Childhood Education’s Adult-Centered Approach
2007. Chapter 3 in Family Matters: Jewish Education in an Age of Choice. Edited by Jack Wertheimer. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. Pp. 59-79. Studies in the sociology of education: One of three chapters analyzing the roles played by families, schools, communities, and advocacy groups in Jewish education. To read the chapter, click…
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Chapters, Research, chapters, education, foundations
![Family Matters Cover Image](
Why Jewish Parents Send Their Children to Day Schools
2007. (with Steven M. Cohen). Chapter 4 in Family Matters: Jewish Education in an Age of Choice. Edited by Jack Wertheimer. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England. Pp. 80-100. Studies in the sociology of education: One of three chapters analyzing the roles played by families, schools, communities, and advocacy groups in Jewish education. To…
Posted by kelnersj on September 21, 2011 in Articles, Research, chapters, education
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