Monthly Archives: January 2013


I downloaded the app “Distant Suns” on my i-phone after reading about cool astronomy apps online.  “Distant Suns” is an app that uses your location to show you the night sky right above your head.  It has labeled constellations, planets, … Continue reading Continue reading

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King of the Galaxies

It’s hard to imagine things on a galactic scale. I have trouble just picturing how big the Earth really is. Now try imagining something larger than Earth, larger than the Solar System, and larger than our entire galaxy. That’s this guy, NGC 6872. It’s a spiral galaxy five times the larger than the Milky Way. It […] Continue reading

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Intro for ASTR201

Hey, I am a senior math major and earth and environmental science minor.  I spend most of my free time on horseback, but am also working as a grader and other math-y things on campus. by my friend Liz   Continue reading

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#B1 Cosmic Calendar

This video put the extensive history of the universe into perspective. Our history as humans that we take years of education to understand are so minuscule compared to the creation of the universe. In our society, we are so focused … Continue reading Continue reading

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#B2 Earth’s Orbit and Understanding

One of the most interesting concepts of our Earth is its orbit around the sun. As the Earth rotates each day, the point as which it achieves a full 360 degree rotation is slightly different than the day before (either … Continue reading Continue reading

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Perspective of the Cosmic Calendar

What do you think of when someone mentions the word old? Turning 21, grandparents, black and white photos? Maybe even cave men or the dinosaurs? However, all these things are insanely young on the cosmic scale! If you were to take the time from the creation of the universe until present day and squeeze it all into […] Continue reading

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ASTR 201

So this is my blog for ASTR 201. Here I’ll post things of an astronomical nature over the coming weeks. Picture of me is unrelated, but just look at those fish! Continue reading

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UFO sighting

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The Cosmic Calendar

A concept that “wowed” me from these first couple weeks of material was the Cosmic Calendar.  Our universe has a lifetime of 13.7 billion years, which is scaled into a year-long calendar. The cosmic calendar is a way to scale … Continue reading Continue reading

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Is there anything more interesting?

Wikipedia Continue reading

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