Monthly Archives: April 2014

Asteroids and Orbital Resonance

Why is there an asteroid belt in our solar system, and why is it located where it is? The main asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter, and it was formed by an effect called orbital resonance. Orbital resonance occurs when the gravity fields of two objects align. Because Jupiter was so large during … Continue reading Asteroids and Orbital Resonance Continue reading

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Avoiding Asteroids

We currently do not have any way of deflecting asteroids coming dangerously close to us. Although there aren’t any predicted …

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Life on Europa?

Europa is proposed to be a top contender in the possibility of having extraterrestrial life. Under the ice, the oceans …

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Ganymede Has a Hidden Ocean, and I Think That’s So Cool

Ganymede is my personal favorite moon (sorry, Luna) because it has a hidden ocean inside of it, and I cannot get over that! I mean, sandwiched in between an external layer of icy matters and the core is an entire … Continue reading Continue reading

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The Pleiades Myth

In Greek Mythology the pleiades are seven daughters of the Titan Atlas and the nymph Pleione. They were said to be extremely beautiful and served as companions to the goddess Artemis. When their father was forced to carry the weight of the world for all eternity the great hunter Orion began to pursue them. Orion […] Continue reading

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Europa’s Ocean

We often think that liquid water is the answer to life in the universe. While it certainly makes some forms of life possible, it doesn’t guarantee their existence. If it did, we would certainly not be alone, even in this solar system, as several Galilean moons are thought to have sub-surface water oceans. The most […] Continue reading

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Could Titan hold life?

A joint mission with the NASA and ESA called Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) will explore Titan’s surface more in depth. It will allow us to see if the liquid-water features have allowed life to form on Titan. If there were life, it would obviously have to be adapted to the -180⁰C surface temperature and… Continue reading

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The Biggest Astronomical Question of Our Generation

Why is Pluto not a planet anymore? I mean, seriously? It makes us have to do things like rewrite textbooks and change our mnemonic devices.  What if we never find out the end of “My Very Earthly Mother Just Served Us Nine____”. Nine, what?!  Anyway, the bigger point here is what exactly defines a planet.… Continue reading

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Planetary System

It amazes me how small Earth is.  I find it difficult to comprehend even the size of Earth alone.  Flying to other continents can take days.  Then I look at a scale model like the one below and I realize how small we are in comparison to the rest of the planets.  Jupiter and Saturn are […] Continue reading

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When I was in elementary school, I had to do a project on a planet.  I chose Neptune!  I spent hours coming up with a presentation and making a model.  Sadly, I don’t remember a lot from that presentation, but I’ve decided to brush up on my knowledge.  Neptune is a bright blue color and has […] Continue reading

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