Daily Archives: March 12, 2019

Updates on the Voyager Missions

When I was younger, I was always fascinated by the amazing strides of space exploration technology. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were the pinnacle of human achievement in my opinion. It has been a long time since I reviewed their journey. I watched a YouTube video summarizing the achievements of these two amazing space probes. … Continue reading Updates on the Voyager Missions Continue reading

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How much is left in the tank?

Geologists and neutrino physicists are currently striving to calculate the amount of radioactive power remaining in Earth’s core. Why does this matter? The hot core of the Earth is known to provide the driving force behind plate tectonics, a process that constantly refreshes the crust of the Earth and creates many of the geological features … Continue reading How much is left in the tank? Continue reading

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Dark Matter and Dark Energy

One of the more peculiar parts of our universe is the presence of a great deal of mass that we cannot see. When looking at the gravitational effects on the mass in the universe, it is apparent that a significant amount of matter must be present but is not visible to us, leading to its … Continue reading Dark Matter and Dark Energy Continue reading

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Altitude and Temperature

It is commonly believed that in locations of high altitudes, such as on the top of a mountain, the lower temperatures experienced are a caused by the lower atmospheric pressure that is present. However, this is not entirely the case. While the change in elevation is partially responsible for the decrease in temperature, the presence … Continue reading Altitude and Temperature Continue reading

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Chemical Composition of Exoplanet Atmospheres

One goal of studying exoplanet atmospheres is to understand its composition and temperature. Specifically, we want to be able to recognize planets that could potentially have atmospheres most similar to Earth’s (with water vapor, oxygen, ozone, and carbon dioxide) – with the main objective being to find planets with strong water features that could support … Continue reading Chemical Composition of Exoplanet Atmospheres Continue reading

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Sun Facts

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System and is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma. Its diameter is about 1.39 million kilometers (864,000 miles) – 109 times that of Earth – and its mass is about 330,000 times that of Earth. The Sun accounts for about 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System and its … Continue reading Sun Facts Continue reading

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Cars and the Greenhouse Effect

Earth experiences a warming through the greenhouse effect: the absorption and re-emission of light from the planet’s surface by compounds in the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide and water. Greenhouse gases are necessary for keeping life on Earth warm enough to survive, but an increase in their concentration has led to a undesirable heating of … Continue reading Cars and the Greenhouse Effect Continue reading

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Economics of Intra-Stellar Spacecraft

After seeing the discussion of spacecraft within our solar system in the textbook, and the impact the mission type has on the cost, I was curious to see how these discussions were reflected in actual data on these missions. So, I copied each mission from the book into Excel, and then researched each. Thanks mostly … Continue reading Economics of Intra-Stellar Spacecraft Continue reading

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Composition of Solar System

The solar system is a planetary system consisted of star Sun, planets, comets and other objects orbiting around the Sun, and Earth is one of them. The major mass of solar system is from the Sun. The sun is a G2 main-sequence star at the center of solar system which contains about 99.86% of total … Continue reading Composition of Solar System Continue reading

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Exploration and Geology of Mercury

Because it is so technically difficult to reach Mercury with spacecraft’s from Earth, the geology of Mercury is understood the least of all the terrestrial worlds. The main reason it is so hard to reach is due to how close Mercury is to the Sun.  When a spacecraft moves down Sun’s gravitational potential well to … Continue reading Exploration and Geology of Mercury Continue reading

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