Monthly Archives: April 2021

Han Solo Is Working Too Hard

While science-fiction flicks like Star Wars produce some exhilarating and high-stakes chase scenes with the help of treacherous asteroid fields/belts, in reality, you could probably navigate these asteroid belts blind-folded. With all due respect to Han Solo’s piloting skills and his less than twelve parsecs Kessel run, he would not actually have needed to utilizeContinue reading “Han Solo Is Working Too Hard” Continue reading

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Triton: Neptune’s Interesting Moon

Triton is Neptune’s largest moon with a diameter of 1,680 miles (2,700 kilometers). It was discovered in 1846 by astronomer William Lassell a little over two weeks after Neptune’s discovery. Triton is named after one of Poseidon’s sons; Poseidon is the Greek god equivalent of the Roman god Neptune. Triton is unique in that itContinue reading “Triton: Neptune’s Interesting Moon” Continue reading

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The Great Dark Spot

We have all heard about the Great Red Spot, the constant, giant storm that could hold multiple Earths with unbelievable winds. However, what if I was to say that Jupiter was not the only planet with a mind-blowing storm. Enter the incredible storm of Neptune: the Great Dark Spot. The Great Dark Spot (GDS) isContinue reading “The Great Dark Spot” Continue reading

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What do astronauts eat?

You may have seen advertisements for “astronaut ice cream” in novelty food stores. This freeze-dried version of ice cream is just one example of what astronauts can eat during space missions in weightless environments. It probably comes as no surprise that astronauts have to consume a balanced diet with proper nutrition. Categories of space food, … Continue reading What do astronauts eat? Continue reading

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What Exactly Happened During the Big Bang?

I think the Big Bang is such an interesting piece of the Universe’s creation. An explosion that created everything that we observe right now. While the Big Bang is popularly known, I don’t think many people grasp how quickly and powerfully this explosion happened. For 10-43 seconds, the universe was inside of a microscopic pinpoint.Continue reading “What Exactly Happened During the Big Bang?” Continue reading

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solar system superlatives: Planet 9

Welcome back! Today, we are going to learn about the current leader in our Solar System’s ongoing game of hide-and-seek: Planet Nine. First, a disclaimer. No one actually knows if Planet Nine is real or not. It’s existence is only hypothesized, and we have literally never seen it. But, for now, let’s assume its realContinue reading “solar system superlatives: Planet 9” Continue reading

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Deflecting Asteroids Headed to Earth

While the chances of a deadly asteroid hitting Earth are low, the damage that one could produce could result in a cataclysmic event. While it may seem that stopping an asteroid en route to Earth is impossible, there are actually certain technologies that could possibility lessen the damage. The most important thing to do isContinue reading “Deflecting Asteroids Headed to Earth” Continue reading

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Which Exoplanet Could Be Planet B?

The transit method has already been used to discover a few thousand exoplanets and continues to discover more through both old observations and current missions. With this method, the brightness levels of stars in other solar systems are measured. When the brightness dims, this is a sign that an extrasolar planet may have passed inContinue reading “Which Exoplanet Could Be Planet B?” Continue reading

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4,375+ Exoplanets

With earth being the only known habitable planet in our solar system and little knowledge regarding what lies outside of our solar system, its easy to feel like we are the only ones in the universe. However, would you still think that if you knew that NASA has confirmed 4,375 planets outside of our solarContinue reading “4,375+ Exoplanets” Continue reading

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The Oddities of Titan

Titan is one of 62 moons revolving around Saturn. Before 2004, not much was known about Titan, other than the fact that it is Saturn’s largest moon. NASA sent the Cassini spacecraft to the outer to investigate and send back information about Titan. Cassini sent back pictures of a very planet-like moon with a denseContinue reading “The Oddities of Titan” Continue reading

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