Daily Archives: May 4, 2021

Monster from the Deep

Extremophiles are definitely some of the most persistent living beings. These microorganisms are able to survive in conditions regarding temperature, acidity, and/or chemical concentration beyond extreme that would prove fatal to almost all carbon-based life on Earth. While many extremophiles prove to look nightmarish, one type of extremophiles might give the others a run forContinue reading “Monster from the Deep” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox

If you were to ask different people what one of their biggest questions about our universe is, it’s pretty believable to think that one of the most common questions would be “Do aliens exist?”. This question is especially important in that it’s a question that no one really knows the answer to; whether or notContinue reading “The Fermi Paradox” Continue reading

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Junk in space: how do we deal with it?

Junk floating through space, affectionately known as space junk, is dangerous to spacecraft and satellites, for obvious reasons. A team in Australia wants to use laser technology to track and destroy it. Adaptive optics is the technology that helps telescopes see stars without a twinkle, attributed to the Earth’s atmosphere. Adaptive optics sharpens images of … Continue reading Junk in space: how do we deal with it? Continue reading

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Extraterrestrial Existence

Shouldn’t Earth have been visited by extraterrestrials already? Enrico Fermi, a physicist from Italy, asked the same question in 1950 and sparked a wonderful conversation in the field of astronomy and astrobiology. In 1975, Michael Hart published “An Explanation for the Absence of Extraterrestrials on Earth,” noting that the lack of intelligent life from the … Continue reading Extraterrestrial Existence Continue reading

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Life on Europa?

There is life in all forms throughout the world. Even in the most remote places with the most extreme conditions we have seen life not only survive but thrive. This makes us wonder, could there be life on possible habitable worlds? NASA put this to the test by conducting an infrared (IR) signature of oneContinue reading “Life on Europa?” Continue reading

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Life on Earth

In my last blog post I would like to discuss some of the things I’ve found most interesting in the course of the semester. As this class has come to an end, I’ve found myself more and more astounded by how our Solar System formed than ever before, specifically the ability of Earth to sustainContinue reading “Life on Earth” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter

According to Kardashev scale, proposed by astronomer Nikolai Kardashev, there are three types of civilizations. Type I has the ability to use the energy of their planet, Type II can use the energy of their host star and Type III can access an amount of power comparable to an entire galaxy. Based on the extremely largeContinue reading “The Fermi Paradox and the Great Filter” Continue reading

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Tardigrades, moss piglets, water bears – these adorably ugly extremophiles go by many names. These little creatures are fascinating beyond just their strange appearance and many nicknames. Tardigrades are extremophiles because they have shown to survive both extreme temperature and extreme pressure, most notably in space! They are found on Earth in various environments includingContinue reading “Tardigrades!” Continue reading

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The End of an Era

Sadly, this will be the last post of the solarblogdotcom. Through out theses posts we have explored many of the amazingly interesting topics of the solar system. Although the picture above shows the Galaxy, It is still a great photo to end on, because you never truly know whats out there until you look forContinue reading “The End of an Era” Continue reading

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May the 4th be with you: the Twin Suns of Tatooine

One of my recent blogs crushed the dreams of many Star Wars fans by debunking the close proximity of asteroids within an asteroid field in The Empire Strikes Back. That is why, in the spirit of Star Wars Day, I will be sharing an aspect of the films that Star Wars ended up getting correct:Continue reading “May the 4th be with you: the Twin Suns of Tatooine” Continue reading

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