Category Archives: Sun

Eclipses and Shadow Snakes

Back in 2017, I was lucky enough to watch the Solar Eclipse here in Nashville! It was such a cool experience, and I can’t wait until I can see one again! One thing that stood out to me was weird shadows on the ground just before and after the Sun was totally eclipsed. I rememberContinue reading “Eclipses and Shadow Snakes” Continue reading

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Eclipses and History

A seemingly everlasting problem historians run in to are exact dates. Since each ancient civilization had their own calendar and their own way of measuring time, it’s a challenge for historians to connect the dots between civilizations and produce an accurate timeline of human history on the Earth. However, historians have discovered the common denominatorContinue reading “Eclipses and History” Continue reading

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Could There be Life on Europa?

Europa is one of Jupiter’s Galilean moons, meaning it’s one of the four largest moons that orbit Jupiter. What makes it particularly special is that it is considered one of the most likely places in our solar system (outside of Earth) that might contain life. Now, at a glance, it seems like that shouldn’t beContinue reading “Could There be Life on Europa?” Continue reading

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Gravitational Waves

Gravitational waves are a fascinating concept. The thought starts from the idea that gravity moves at the speed of light. Now, at the start this sounds like a silly idea. Doesn’t the force of gravity always act on people? Yet take this example. Say the sun were to simply disappear. Not explode or change, butContinue reading “Gravitational Waves” Continue reading

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One Strange Shield

About a year ago National Geographic released a television series titled “One Strange Rock.” It can be found on Disney+. This series looks at how life on Earth survives and thrives. It is especially interesting because it tells this story through eight astronauts (and Will Smith!) who have spent about 1,000 days in space. AnContinue reading “One Strange Shield” Continue reading

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The Sun: A New View

Recently, a new telescope has allowed solar scientists to see the surface of the Sun in more detail than ever before. Although each of these golden kernels look small in size, each one can be estimated to be about the size of Texas to make up our Sun. These kernels compose the magnetic field ofContinue reading “The Sun: A New View” Continue reading

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Possible Effects of Solar Flares

If a large solar flare were to directly hit the Earth, it would significantly affect all of the electronics on Earth. Us being so dependent on electronics, this would be crippling to essentially all forms of communications, payment and many other important functions of life. Most cars would shut down due to many new carsContinue reading “Possible Effects of Solar Flares” Continue reading

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How Does the Sun Create Enough Energy to Reach the Entire Solar System?

The heat and light energy, that which allows for life on Earth and provides energy for the entire solar systems, comes from a powerful yet simply process from deep within the core of the sun. This process is called nuclear fusion. Essentially, single protons, which can also be defined as singular hydrogen molecules, fuse togetherContinue reading “How Does the Sun Create Enough Energy to Reach the Entire Solar System?” Continue reading

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Parker Solar Probe: Understanding Coronal Dynamics

Launched on August 12th, 2018, the Parker Solar Probe will make the closest approach to the Sun in history. Over a time period of roughly seven years, PSP will use Venus for gravitational assist to make successively closer approaches to the Sun at distances as small as 4 million miles from the sun’s surface. PSPContinue reading “Parker Solar Probe: Understanding Coronal Dynamics” Continue reading

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Mass of the Sun

Source: Learning about the planets in our last few classes (RIP senior year) reaffirmed for me that the earth is indeed very small compared to the other planets in the solar system. But then I read that 99.8% of the mass in the solar system is still contained within the sun! Even though theContinue reading “Mass of the Sun” Continue reading

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