All About Aurorae

As the title suggests, our topic for today is Earth’s aurorae (pronounced auh-ror-eye). These stunning displays generally occur in two symmetrical oval rings about the planet’s far northern and southern regions–Earth’s magnetic north and south poles. When they happen in the north, aurorae are often referred to as the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. Likewise, southern aurorae are called the southern lights or Aurora Australis.  

(Southern) Auroral Oval, from NASA Image Library

How are they formed?

Coronal mass ejections, solar flares, and other features of solar weather can violently hurl electrically charged plasma into the void of space at speeds up to 2000 km/sec. Sometimes these ejections travel on a collision course with Earth which, in extreme cases, can wreak havoc on electrical and telecommunications systems. (Interested in learning more? Check out NOAA’s article on the 1859 Carrington Event.) 

Fortunately, though, the Earth has a magnetosphere–shaped in part by the interaction of Earth’s magnetic field and solar wind–that protects the matter below from the effects of all but the most severe solar weather. Earth’s magnetosphere–like those of Mercury and the outer giant planets–occurs due to material spinning within its hot molten core. These conditions essentially turn the planet into a large electromagnet. Charged particles become trapped in the magnetic field lines and race along them to the poles (1), where they then interact with gasses in our atmosphere to produce aurorae. 

Solar Weather and Aurorae, from NASA Image Library

Wait, what about the colors?

When the charged particles from the sun mingle with the gasses in Earth’s atmosphere, their interaction induces excitation. During this process, electrons impart energy to the gaseous atoms. When the electrons of the gaseous atoms return to a lower state, they release energy in the form of a photon–a particle of light. The color of the emitted light depends on the amount of energy released and the type of gas that was exited. In large concentrations–such as during aurora events–these emissions can be seen with the naked eye. The greenish-yellow hue that characterizes typical aurorae results from the oxygen in our atmosphere. Emissions from high-altitude oxygen create vibrant red aurorae. And nitrogen emissions cause blue and purple-hued aurorae.

 Aurora Borealis as seen from the ISS, from NASA Image Library


If you made it to the end, congratulations! I’m aware of my aversion to short descriptions–it’s a problem that’s exacerbated when I’m excited about a topic. But I hope this post was informational! If you want to learn more or get involved in some citizen science, NASA operates aurorasaurus, where you can help filter and classify real tweets as (non)sightings of aurorae. Zooniverse’s aurora zoo is another cool citizen science opportunity where you can help classify features of auroral images and videos for use in further scientific research. (It’s also a great way to procrastinate while still feeling productive!) Let me know if you’ve ever seen the aurorae in person or if you decide to participate in either aurorasaurus or aurora zoo. 

Until next time, 


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Will The City of Angels Join The Angels? (Los Angeles Tectonics)

Image Source:

The media, especially in recent years, has depicted that in the foreseeable future Los Angeles might break off of California and sink into the Pacific Ocean. Not only that but they also allude to the idea that this doomsday for the City of Angels may be completely impromptu as well.

It is no secret to most people that California is infamous for its earthquakes. This is because California itself actually lies on top of different tectonic plates: The North American plate and the Pacific Plate. Due to Earth’s volatile and hot interior, these tectonic plates on its surface are very active and tend to shift around, unlike those on colder planets and satellites.

There actually is a somewhat visible boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. It is a fault line whose name you likely have already heard from the 2015 flick, “San Andreas”. When these two plates shift against one another, their friction causes seismic disturbances which humans experience as earthquakes.

Tectonic plates can shift in an array of different fashions. So the notion that Los Angeles may end up 20,000 leagues under is not completely unfounded in science but it fails to take into account the actual directions California’s two particular plates are heading which is the crux of the issue.

Image Source:

California’s two plates are shifting roughly parallel to one another. Not only is this evidenced by earthquakes being its primary form of seismic activity but also scientists have measured it to be so. Both plates are moving northwest, but the Pacific Plate is doing so at a higher rate; said scientific measurements have revealed that the movement along the San Andreas fault is approximately 1-2 inches each year.

This means that provided that no global calamities happen before, in 16 million years, Los Angeles and San Francisco will be adjacent to one another. That’s going to be some megatropolis.

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The Intersection of Religion and Science: God’s Plan

Image Source:

Throughout history and into today the theories of religion and science have clashed, however, there is an idea about humanity that is bipartisan. While religion and science typically have different explanations of what may be working to create it, both dispute the existence of a free will. According to the theories of both divinity and the Big Bang, the natural world has a script of sorts that it will follow from its beginning to end.

The majority of theistic religions have somewhere in their gospels that the creator is the ultimate puppeteer of the natural world. These schools of divine thought usually also state that humans have the ability to do as they wish at their disposal but their respective deity is omnipotent. This means that from the very beginning of the creation, god knew how everything was going to pan out from start to finish. And although branches of divinity such as Deism may propose that god took a hands-off approach after the creation was finished, this does not signify that god was oblivious to what was to happen afterward. It just means god created a machine with a set of instructions on how it should maneuver the marionettes and now god is watching sitting back to watch the play.

In the realm of science, the Big Bang is thought to have ejected colossal amounts of matter and energy out all over space and all events that have ensued in the history of the universe have been a result of this incident. Some of these effects of the Big Bang are more immediately attributable to the beginning, such as the apparent expansion of the universe, while others are more complex, such as how the exact conditions needed to form life became co-present.

The idea of free will likely evolved from humans’ inability to perceive the results of their actions over immense periods of time. Especially since succeeding events appear to be the result of collective actions; not just the sole influence of the individual actor in question.

But regardless of whoever or whatever the Geppetto of the natural world may be, what we know about physics— the programming language of our universe’s fabric, alludes to the idea of our time’s arrow being cast and having a definitive trajectory.

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Blog:4 Aurora

Image credit: NASA/Josh Cassada

The aurora is a natural phenomenon that has fascinated both scientists and the general public for a long time. When charged particles from the Sun collide with the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, it leads to the emission of colorful light in the sky. However, the aurora is not just an aesthetically pleasing sight but also a scientific puzzle that has yet to be fully understood.

Despite considerable progress, many mysteries about the aurora remain unsolved. One theory posits that the Earth’s magnetic field plays a crucial role in determining the shape of the aurora, while other research investigates the impact of turbulence in the Earth’s magnetosphere and solar wind on the aurora’s movement.

Moreover, the aurora’s study is not limited to scientific curiosity, but it has practical applications as well. Auroras can significantly disrupt communication systems, power grids, and satellite operations in high-latitude areas. Consequently, further research is crucial to developing strategies to mitigate these impacts and safeguard our infrastructure. In conclusion, the aurora is a complex and captivating natural phenomenon that requires more research to uncover its secrets and mitigate its effects on our technology.

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Blog 3: composition of the Solar System

This image was taken by NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft

The Solar System is an extraordinary marvel of the universe, a collection of celestial objects that has captured the curiosity of scientists, and the imagination of people for generations. The composition of these objects holds vital clues to understanding the origins of the Solar System and the processes that have shaped it over billions of years. From the rocky planets to the gas giants, each object in the Solar System has a unique story to tell, a testimony to the remarkable diversity of our cosmic neighborhood.

The four inner planets are a testament to the immense forces at work in the early Solar System. As the solar nebula cooled, particles began to clump together, forming larger and larger objects that eventually gave rise to the terrestrial planets. These rocky worlds stand in stark contrast to the gas giants, which formed in a colder and more volatile region of the Solar System. The outer planets are the result of the gravitational capture of vast amounts of gas and ice, creating the magnificent giants we see today.

The small bodies in the Solar System, such as asteroids and comets, are remnants of the early Solar System that offer a glimpse into its tumultuous past. These objects contain valuable information about the conditions and processes that existed during the formation of the Solar System, shedding light on the mysteries that still baffle scientists today. By studying the composition of these small bodies, we can better understand the evolution of the Solar System and the many wonders that it contains.

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nuclear fusion

Energy from the Sun carried through the magnetic field! Image from NASA’s TRACE Project

Have you ever wondered why the sun shines?

It’s a question that has inspired centuries of astronomers to come up with a wide variety of explanations. It was once thought that the sun shone because of chemical combustion, but we now know that there is nowhere near enough oxygen for that process to have sustained the sun for as long as it has been burning, only enough for a few thousand years. This is credited as having come from the Greek philosopher Anaxagoras, who believed that the sun was a red-hot stone.

“Everything has a natural explanation. The moon is not a god but a great rock and the sun a hot rock.”


Today, scientists are certain that nuclear fusion is the process driving the sun’s energy production!

Nuclear fusion occurs when two light nuclei combine together to form a heavier nucleus and some energy. In the case of our sun, it is powered through hydrogen fusion (AKA the combination of two Hydrogen to create one Helium + energy).

Inversely, there is a process known as nuclear fission in which an atom is split into smaller nuclei; this releases an incredible amount of energy, and is the source of much power for technology from vehicles all the way to destructive atom bombs. Scientists’ ability to harness the power from both fusion and fission is greatly increasing, but poses a major threat if it were to fall into the wrong hands.

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climate change

Graphic of the Earth from United Nations University

It’s no secret that our planet is in the midst of a global climate crisis– rising sea levels, compounding greenhouse gas emissions, and depleting natural resources have left our environment at a very real risk of collapse, endangering all living creatures on our planet.

When studying astronomy, it becomes easy to lose focus on the planet that we live in in favor of seeking knowledge about the ones we cannot step foot on. Still, it is incredibly important that we don’t lose sight of our immediate environment, instead pursuing information in tandem.

Astronomy and environmentalism are not as disconnected as one might think. In fact, recent estimates approximate that the space sector is responsible for 1.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere every year!

When studying astronomy, we also become increasingly aware of Earth’s uniqueness for a variety of reasons, but most immediately in its ability to sustain life. Earth is our only home, so it is so important that we take whatever measures we can to reduce our negative impact on it and work towards a cleaner, greener future!

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James Webb Space Telescope Discovers “Impossible” Galaxies

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the James Webb Space Telescope: the successor to the Hubble Telescope and most powerful space telescope built to date. It was launched into space a little more than one year ago with the goal of observing the first galaxies and investigating our cosmic origin. In this short period of time new groundbreaking discoveries seem to appear every few weeks, but a particularly interesting observation was made about a week ago.  

For some context, most galaxies are approximately 10 to 13.6 billion years old, and our own Milky Way is 13.61 billion years old. These ages are representative of the oldest parts of each galaxy, not all parts of the galaxy as a whole. Compared to the estimated age of the universe at 13.8 billion years, the oldest galaxies only started forming a few hundred million years after the Big Bang. New galaxies continue to form billions of years later with the youngest galaxy we have observed being close to 500 million years old (source). All of this is widely accepted by scientists; however, new images from the James Webb Telescope have thrown this into question.

An image (shown below) released by the telescope features a few fuzzy red dots which astronomers believe are six possible galaxies. These galaxies are not the oldest discovered, forming approximately 500 to 700 million years after the Big Bang. Their age is unsurprising, but their red color and immense size is. Based on preliminary calculations, these galaxies are estimated to be on par in mass with the Milky Way–almost 50 times more massive than ever expected, and yet are 13 billion years younger. Forming so many stars that quickly shouldn’t be possible based on the amount of non-dark matter available at that time (source). Combined with the red color which indicates very old stars, these potential galaxies’ appear much older than they should be. From our current understanding of the universe, these galaxies should not exist at all. Before we rewrite widely accepted theories, more research needs to be done on what else the galaxies could be, or what is causing their red color if not old stars. However, it raises lots of questions about our understanding of star formation and the behavior of the early universe. 

Do you think we will have to rework our model of early galaxy formation, or is there another explanation? Read more about the discovery here. I also highly recommend looking through the JWST’s library of photos.

Source: James Webb Space Telescope at NASA, ESA, CSA, I. Labbe
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Lack of Cratering: Io and Europa

During class, we have discussed magnetospheres, tectonics, geological activity, and their relation to the cores of the “Big Five”: Earth, Venus, Mercury, the Moon, and Mars. Specifically the moon has very obvious cratering across its entire surface, and its craters remain intact for billions of years. This is due to it not having an atmosphere which contributes to erosion, and most significantly the Moon has a cold, dense core that does not allow for great geological or tectonic activity. When I think of moons in general, I tend to think of all of them having a generally rocking and cratered surface. However, this is not always the case, as is demonstrated by the Galilean Moons.

While Callisto and Ganymede resemble our Moon somewhat in appearance, with visible craters and dark areas–in fact Callisto is one of the most heavily cratered objects in our solar system, Io and Europa look much different. 

Io varies greatly in appearance from most other moons due to its yellowish color, surface littered with massive volcanoes, and obvious lack of cratering. Although volcanoes are typically associated with tectonic activity as on Earth, this is likely not the case for Io. Io actually has an elliptical orbit because it is in a constant struggle with the gravitational force provided by Jupiter and the other Galilean Moons, Europa and Ganymede. This causes Io to bulge as it orbits and experience extreme tidal forces. The tides and tidal friction cause Io to generate large amounts of heat (source). This heat radiates outward and fuels the constant volcanic activity on the surface. In turn, this volcanic activity causes the surface to constantly renew itself, explaining its lack of cratering. Although Io likely has an iron core, it does not cause the geological activity on its surface, and might not have a magnetic field at all. More information about Io’s surface can be found here.

Europa, which is a little smaller than our moon, has a very unique appearance with lots of “scratches” and deep cracks running all along its surface, and there are only a few craters. The lack of widespread cratering implies its relative youth (40-90 million years old) and that recent geological activity has removed them (source). Scientists believe underneath the icy crust (about 10-15 miles thick) is an ocean that the surface rests on. The much hotter iron core in its center causes the ice layer to move as the cooler, denser ice sinks and the warmer ice rises to the top. The ice layer separating due to this motion likely causes the cracking on the surface, and ice plates converging causes tall ice ridges. Another indication of potential geological activity is evidence of water being vented into space from its surface. This is likely due to tidal friction as mentioned with Io. Europa also has a unique magnetosphere which creates noticeable disruptions in Jupiter’s magnetic field, and could possibly be explained by a salty ocean resting under its ice layer. All of these factors contribute to the hope that Europa could one day sustain human-life due to its similarities with Earth, and more evidence continues to be collected. More information about Europa can be found here.

A rendering of Io and Europa is shown below.

Source: Daniel Arnold, NASA planetary photojournal
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M45 – The Seven Sisters

Hey, y’all, and welcome back! 

Today, we’re taking a quick jaunt outside our solar system to visit the Pleiades. This grouping of stars–commonly referred to as Messier 45 (M45)–is one of my favorite observables and can be best viewed in January–but the cluster is easily visible from late fall through the winter. The cluster is currently moving through a cloud of interstellar dust and is located about 440 light-years outside of our solar system. Interacts between the light from the stars and the dust give the appearance of a wispy haze around some of the cluster’s hottest and most luminous stars–the brightest of which is about 1000 times more luminous than our sun.  But from our vantage point on Earth, we can view (with the naked eye) about six or seven stars of the over 1000 stars found within this open star cluster by looking towards the constellation Taurus or by using Orion’s shield and Aldebran as pointer stars.

M45 by Joel Tonyan   

As one of the brightest star clusters in the night sky, numerous cultures have their own names and mythologies associated with m45. In Japan, for example, the cluster is known as Subaru. (Sound familiar?) 

But the story I am most familiar with is one of at least two from Ancient Greece. For seven long years, the hunter Orion chased the seven daughters of Atlas throughout the known world. Just before the giant could seize the sisters, Zeus changed them into the brilliant stars that adorn the sky to this day. But for Orion, the hunt continues. His constellation pursues the seven sisters across the sky, and every night their eternal chase begins anew. 

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