Tag Archives: blog8

When Will The Next Impact Be?

The Chelyabinsk Meteor as seen by person driving a car right during explosion I watched another video and decided to watch one on the extinction of the dinosaurs. The video is very short and not absolutely thrilling but as I was watching the beginning of the video I thought to myself what if that was… Continue reading

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White Dwarf- A Large Piece of Condensed Diamond

We have leant in the class that our Sun is going to become a white dwarf at the end of its life. We also already know that the Sun is now fuse hydrogen into helium during its main sequence stage which may last for ten billion years. After the Sun has fused all hydrogen in … Continue reading White Dwarf- A Large Piece of Condensed Diamond Continue reading

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United States Space Force

It’s actually called the Air Force Space Command, and it has its headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Space Command is relatively new, and the programs it has consolidated and eradicated to get to this point is impressive and a bit dizzying, but I think important to understand how the Air Force came to […] Continue reading

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The Goldilocks Zone: Not as elusive as previously thought?

New research from the Australian National University and the Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen has calculated that billions of the milky Way star’s have one to three planets in the habitable zone (or nicknamed: “The Goldilocks Zone” because…

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Halley’s Comet

Edmond Halley was the first to predict this comet’s 76 year orbit. It was named in his honor and is known today as Halley’s Comet. Would you like to see it? Stick around until 2061 and you can! Fun fact – Mark Twain was born and died in the same years that Halley’s Comet made … Continue reading Halley’s Comet Continue reading

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Our Guiding Star

So many stars come and go based on the time of year, where we are located on the planet, how much of the sky is visible, etc.  Although we can only see some stars on some nights there is one star that we can always see.  This star is the North Star also known as […] Continue reading

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White Holes

A white hole is a hypothetical region space time which cannot be entered from the outside.” The idea of a white hole is essentially that is the opposite of a black hole. A “worm hole” is the connection from black hole that consumes all matter around it, and send its through a warp in space […] Continue reading

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Asteroids and Impacts in Perspective

When asked to think of massive impacts that our Earth has experienced one would most probably think first to the impact that happened 65 million years ago that caused the extinction of dinosaurs. When you look back further to the period of heavy bombardment you will uncover truly terrific impacts. Specifically an impact that occurred […] Continue reading

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Between a Rock and a Whole Lot of Air

The first documented occurrence of a person being struck by a meteorite was a woman in Alabama being struck while napping by a rock that bounced off her wooden console radio. But could you imagine  being struck straight on by a meteorite while skydiving? That is exactly what happened to Anders Helstrup, after leaping for … Continue reading Between a Rock and a Whole Lot of Air Continue reading

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A Personal Satellite

Ardusat Breakdown Have you ever wished you could own your very own satellite? The space exploration hobbyist’s dream is coming true in a new arduino project called Ardusat. Developed by a company named Nanosatisfi, this product combines the open source user friendly interface of arduino technology with the space friendly CubeSat design platform. This project […] Continue reading

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