Tag Archives: astro201

Space Walking

As of late, I’ve become a bit obsessed with Reddit; but, the other day, I stumbled across this post, so maybe my addiction isn’t as troubling as it seems. If you click on the link, you’ll see an incredible set … Continue reading Continue reading

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Heavy Bombardment

One topic in our readings that I found to be particularly interesting was the period known as “Heavy Bombardment” that took place in our solar system hundreds of millions of years ago. This simulation provides an excellent example of the … Continue reading Continue reading

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Why don’t we get spun right off the equator of the Earth??

Well guys, it’s time to take care of another misconception taken on by students learning astronomy for the first time. We know an orbit happens when we go fast enough around a body. We also know that when something is spinning, it flings things off of it (like the spinning playground thingy that everyone flies … Continue reading Why don’t we get spun right off the equator of the Earth?? Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion and You!

Humanity is another step closer to achieving our dream of harnessing the power of fusion for good!!!! How you ask? A few dozen lasers and a BOATLOAD of power consumption. Check this video out for the explanation. As it turns out, with laser beams at just the right angle and power and hitting a target … Continue reading Nuclear Fusion and You! Continue reading

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Controversy over global warming

Global warming has been a hot environmental topic for the past many years. It seems like scientists cannot stress enough the gravity of the situation that we have put out environment in. It has been generally accepted that it is due to the acceleration of the greenhouse ,by humans, that has created global warming to […] Continue reading

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The way of the future

Nuclear Fusion has always been the process known to heat the sun and produce the light that we so desperately depend on. Only until recently, has the possibility of being able to harness the incredible power of nuclear fusion becoming a possibility. The ultimate goal behind this groundbreaking research is to be able to create […] Continue reading

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Androids in Space

Continuing with the topic of privatized space exploration, some developers at Google have launched Android smartphones into space. Why, you might ask? Because they can. Seven payloads, with Nexus S’s as sensory modules, were sent into space on weather balloons. The data collected by the phones showed that the loads reached altitudes of over 30 […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion, Power of The Future?

It is commonly accepted that energy produced by the Sun is the result of nuclear fusion, a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at high speeds to produce a new type of atomic nucleus in addition to large amounts of energy. This process, theoretically, is an idea power source as it produces zero carbon […] Continue reading

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Dinnertime for our Supermassive Black Hole

For the first time we will be able to see our supermassive black consume a gas cloud. We have not been able to see our black hole in action yet so this provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about this mysterious thing at the middle of our galaxy. However, scientists are not really sure […] Continue reading

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Polar Ice Caps of Mars

Mars has seasons just like Earth. However, its seasons are primarily affected by the change in Mar’s distance from the Sun. Because of Mar’s elliptical orbit it is much closer to the Sun during the northern hemisphere’s winter and much further from the Sun during the northern hemisphere’s summer. Seasonal changes on Mars cause the […] Continue reading

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