Tag Archives: blog1

The Cosmic Calendar

Did you know that the current age of the universe is 13.8 billion years? A useful instrument for visualizing the chronology and age of the universe is the cosmic calendar. With this cosmic calendar scale, the big bang takes place on January 1 at midnight and there are 37.8 million years per day. This isContinue reading “The Cosmic Calendar” Continue reading

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How Small We Are

I think that it’s absolutely fascinating to think and learn about the vast size and scale of the universe. Everybody’s been told that their problems aren’t important in the grand scheme of things and while getting a C on a test might ruin your day, your life probably isn’t going to change course because ofContinue reading “How Small We Are” Continue reading

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When the Moon turns red

Unlike the usual Moon, during a total lunar eclipse, th继续阅读“When the Moon turns red” Continue reading

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The Limitations of Space Travel

Let’s just imagine for a moment that humanity eventually advances in technology such that light-speed travel is attainable. The speed of light, roughly 3×10^8 m/s, is the upper limit on travel speed- If light could go any faster, it would. With light-speed travel, humanity will likely attempt to colonize other planets, for a variety ofContinue reading “The Limitations of Space Travel” Continue reading

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How a Solar Eclipse Revolutionized Our Understanding of the Universe

Up until the early 20th century, the laws that our universe abided by were best described by Isaac Newton in his Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Newton’s principles still hold true for the most part, as they are the basis of many introductory classical mechanics classes today. Despite being able to model the laws of ourContinue reading “How a Solar Eclipse Revolutionized Our Understanding of the Universe” Continue reading

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Star Atlas

This picture is a screenshot of the night sky view on January 19th, 2020 over Nashville through the lens of Star Atlas. Star Atlas is a website that allows anyone across the world to see the names and locations of various stars and planets they might see in the sky. In addition to a nightContinue reading “Star Atlas” Continue reading

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What would happen if humans could travel at the speed of light?

Light speed travel has been a staple of popular culture for years. I first became aware of the idea of light speed from watching Star Wars as a kid. But would we ever be able to actually travel at the speed of light? What would happen if we were able to achieve light speed travel?Continue reading “What would happen if humans could travel at the speed of light?” Continue reading

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Blog 1- Ch 1&2: The Zodiac

From Chapter 2, we learned about how the zodiac symbols are derived from the constellations that are along the ecliptic. As the Earth orbits around the sun, different constellations are visible. The Babylonians set the zodiac signs over 3,000 years ago in correlation with their 12 month calendar. While we still use the same timeContinue reading “Blog 1- Ch 1&2: The Zodiac” Continue reading

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The Revolutionary Hubble Legacy Field

This past spring I interned at a company that developed educational documentaries about interesting topics such as nature, history, and space. The owner of this company had a history of creating planetarium footage, and he managed a successful YouTube channel called SpaceRip. This channel compiles fascinating footage of our solar system and explains many ofContinue reading “The Revolutionary Hubble Legacy Field” Continue reading

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Unfathomably Insignificant

It never fails to boggle my mind whenever I think about how vast and endless our universe truly is. Our cosmic address in the universe, beginning on Earth, to within our solar system, within the Milky Way Galaxy, within our Local Galactic Group, within the Virgo Supercluster, and within our Local Superclusters, is unbelievably microscopicContinue reading “Unfathomably Insignificant” Continue reading

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