Tag Archives: blog3

Juno Spacecraft

This is the excerpt for your very first post. Continue reading

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The Simplicity of Science

When studying science, something that often overwhelms or pushes people away is the apparently complexity of it. In chemistry, a lot of people give up when they reach organic; in physics, some people just can’t get past certain theories. However, when reading about the nature of science in chapter three, something occurred to me: science […] Continue reading

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MUSE Telescope

The Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) telescope is one of the newest telescopes that allows us to get 3D views of the universe. MUSE is installed on the European Southern Obserbatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. It took over a decade to design and develop it but finally went online in March of 2014 and captured… More MUSE Telescope Continue reading

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The Slowest Speed of Light

Quickly imagine the speed of light. It’s fast right? I’m sure you’ve been taught that the average speed of light falls somewhere around 3 x 10^8 m/s (6.706 x 10^8 mph) and you are partially correct. But what if I told you that you would have been equally right with an answer of just 38 […] Continue reading

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Diversity of Telescopes

There is such a diverse range of telescopes accessible to consumers around the world. Of course, these telescopes are not of high quality in terms of magnetization and clarity. However, comparing accessible telescopes to high-powered, extremely large telescopes that have entire buildings designed to contain them is not impossible, but seeing as these large telescopes… Continue reading

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Celestial Navigation

Navigational Compass used in Ming Dynasty      image source Before the invention of artificial satellites and development of data transformation, celestial navigation played an indispensable role in human’s exploration and discovery of newfound lands. And in this blog, I would like to introduce some celestial navigating technologies implemented in Zheng He’s treasury voyage, one […] Continue reading

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Negative Energy (Gravity)

When one considers that amount of energy that occurs from splitting a single atom, and then multiples that by the 10^80 particles that exist in our universe, one might conclude that the net total of energy in the universe is a astronomically large. Surely beyond anything a human mind could comprehend. The reality however is […] Continue reading

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How Gravity Affects Space-Time

One of the more interesting (and more confusing) concepts we’ve learned thus far in the Solar System is the bending of spacetime. As can be seen in the figure below, massive objects with gravity (such as planets or stars) have the unique property in that they can bend the spacetime “grid” around them. Before you […] Continue reading

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How Gravity Affects Space-Time

One of the more interesting (and more confusing) concepts we’ve learned thus far in the Solar System is the bending of spacetime. As can be seen in the figure below, massive objects with gravity (such as planets or stars) have the unique property in that they can bend the spacetime “grid” around them. Before you […] Continue reading

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love is in the spacetime

gravity has found itself grounded in a great deal of pop culture recently. from depictions in cinematic blockbusters to the recent historic breakthrough at LIGO, gravity has become somewhat of a household/cocktail party topic of conversation. being a physics major, over the years i’ve come to think of cosmological things in visuals, or colors, or little … Continue reading love is in the spacetime Continue reading

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