Tag Archives: blog4

Black Holes!

Black holes are regions of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape. I have always found the idea of black holes because they can be hard to understand or conceptualize. A weird fact about black holes is how hot they are on the outside and how incredibly freezing they are on the […] Continue reading

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The Expanding Universe

The Universe is expanding – and expanding at a rate that is accelerating. Based off simple knowledge of physics, one would assume that this would be the opposite. The Universe should be shrinking over time as gravity slowly pulls billions of galaxy clusters, galaxies, stars, and solar systems towards each other on an inevitable collisionContinue reading “The Expanding Universe” Continue reading

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White Holes

Most people by now are familiar with the term “black hole”- a body of high mass with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing which enters can escape from it. The idea of a black hole was born from Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Also born from Einstein’s mathematical equations, however, is the much lesser-knownContinue reading “White Holes” Continue reading

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Born from the Stars

It may be hard to believe, but in all technicality, everything in the solar system, including humans, are born from star dust. Let’s start at the beginning, at the big bang. The matter released from the big bang made up the first generation of stars, only containing the elements hydrogen and helium. Eventually, when the …

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Warping the 4th Dimension

The concept of time dilation is one of the direct results of the theory of general relativity proposed by Albert Einstein, and it explains the effect of gravity on time. The theory of general relativity describes space as a three-dimensional space with time being the fourth dimension through which space is moving, creating the spacetime […] Continue reading

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Northern Lights

The Northern lights are one of the most sought after views that light up the night sky. There is a burst of colors of greens, blues and purples that dance across the sky. But what exactly causes this astonishing sight? Many ancient civilizations have been observing this celestial phenomenon long before us, and have come […] Continue reading

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Aurora borealis and australis | blog IV

Aurora borealis and australis (the northern and southern lights, respectively) are an atmospheric phenomenon that results from strong solar winds hitting our atmosphere. The magnetic field captures some of the electrically-charged particles bombarding the Earth, and effectively guides them towards the two poles. Atoms and molecule collide with particles from the Sun in a process […] Continue reading

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The Andromeda Galaxy

The Andromeda Galaxy is one of the only galaxies visible without the aid of a telescope on Earth. It is a spiral galaxy, and it got its name because it is located in the constellation Andromeda. It is approximately 2,480,000 light years from Earth and has a diameter of approximately 200,000 light years. The first […] Continue reading

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Life in Libra

Libra season is defined as the time when the when our sun passes through the libra constellation. This period starts on September 23 and ends on October 23. It is believed that balance is best achieved during this time as the Libra Zodiac is said to represent balance, justice, and harmony. Also, Libra is believedContinue reading “Life in Libra” Continue reading

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The Cleanest Place on Earth

While working with or assembling new instruments or components used for space travel , NASA engineers and scientists must make their way to the clean room where they will give satellites and spacecrafts a final inspection before they can be launched into space. As the name suggests this room has to be free of any […] Continue reading

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