Tag Archives: technology

How special is the Milky Way?

The Milky Way is the first galaxy that we call home since the beginning of the human race and it is very likely also the last. We know earth has many rare qualities that made life possible, looking on a larger scale, is our galaxy also a unique snowflake like our planet? Using data collected from the Sloan … Continue reading How special is the Milky Way? Continue reading

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SkyView App

With the prevalence of advanced technology in today’s society, it is no surprise that there have been many mobile applications, or ‘apps’ dedicated towards astronomy that are available to purchase and peruse for astronomy lovers. One app that caught my interest was the SkyView App. The SkyView App is free on iTunes and on the… Continue reading

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The James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or Webb) is set to be the official successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, due to launch is 2018. In order to understand how the JWST will be improving on the Hubble, I think it is first important to understand some of the light aspects of space observation. Model […] Continue reading

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What Comes After Hubble?

The Hubble Space Telescope, in use for about 25 years, will soon have to be retired in the next 5-10 years. Plans for a successor telescope eventually materialized into the James Webb Space Telescope, pictured below as a full scale model in Austin, TX. As big as a tennis court and as tall as a […] Continue reading

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Hubble Telescope

In April 1990 NASA launched the Hubble Telescope in an orbit around Earth. The telescope has been orbiting Earth for almost 25 years and is monumental in its contribution to science. The information gathered by the telescope has helped astronomers to narrow down the age of the universe down to a few hundred million years, […] Continue reading

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Explore the Celestial Sphere with Star Chart!

It is a great experience to learn about the changing map of the sky; it is a more amazing experience to actually gaze at the stars and be able to relate to the knowledge of the cosmos. Unfortunately, not all of us reside in a location untainted by light pollution or by smog; a clear starry night sky […] Continue reading

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StarMap 3D+

In the spirit of being in an astronomy class, I felt inclined to download a stargazing app onto my phone. StarMap3D+ was recommended by a multitude of people to me, so I downloaded it. The app costs $2.99 in the Apple App Store, but it is worth it if you want a quality stargazing app… Continue reading StarMap 3D+ Continue reading

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What is Next?

Learning about the solar system and our entire universe has made me more curious about astronomy. At the beginning of the semester, I had trouble wrapping my head around the vastness of the universe. The number of stars, planets, and galaxies is unbelievable, especially because there is still so much that we don’t know. Although […] Continue reading

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Technology in Astronomy

On of the most interesting parts of taking astronomy has been learning about current and future technology that can be used to observe the universe. Probably the coolest example is technology that could make interstellar travel possible. Such a thing isn’t feasible in the near future, but just knowing it is conceptually possible is mind […] Continue reading

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Bussard Ramjet: Interstellar Travel

Interstellar Travel Ramjet Interstellar travel is travel between stars. Interstellar travel is much more difficult than interplanetary travel because of …

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