Category Archives: General

“Mars Will Come to Fear My Botany Powers”

While this line was a comical hit in the box-office hit “The Martian,” it also emphasizes a particular problem that we are experiencing as we explore new worlds. It is very heavy, cumbersome, and expensive to send all the food we need on space missions, and for a prolonged colonization mission, it just isn’t feasible. […] Continue reading

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Life Beyond Earth

There have been many recent discoveries that suggest life exists beyond Earth. Some of these include new findings on Enceladus (a small moon of Saturn), exoplanets, and even Mars. Enceladus NASA’s Cassini spacecraft collected data that allowed us to simulate the geochemistry of phosphorus in the ocean. This study helped us reach some interesting conclusions […] Continue reading

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Think of the Coral Reefs

Climate Change is for real. That is true, without a doubt. Like no cap. Furthermore, all evidence points to the species Homo sapiens as the culprit. Due to our overuse of fossil fuels, releasing previously sequestered carbon into the atmosphere, our industrial and agricultural practices releasing other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and the total […] Continue reading

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Blog #4: Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is the process that drives star light formation and prevents the force of gravity of the star from collapsing into itself. In a nuclear fusion reaction, two smaller nuclei, typically hydrogen isotopes, bond together to form a helium atom while immense amounts of energy are released. The fusion between smaller atoms continues to […] Continue reading

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Blog #3 Formation of the Solar System

The formation of the Solar System is truly a testament to our good fortune of life being possible on a planet located in the “Goldilocks Zone” near the Sun. The initial conditions allowed for not only Earth to be composed of rocky elements such as carbon but for the Earth to be protected from flying […] Continue reading

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Nuances of Thermal Energy

Today I learned about the nuances of thermal energy that answered a forgotten question from my childhood. When I was little I was always afraid to stick my hand inside a hot oven because I knew how badly my tongue gets burned whenever I drink something hot. However, when I finally did stick my hand […] Continue reading

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Blog #1: The Power of Ten

The Power of Ten video puts into perspective the miniscule size of not only individuals on Earth but of the Solar System entirely. At only 3 minutes into the video, we were already far beyond the Solar System with so much time remaining. Not only was I struck by the immense scale of the universe, […] Continue reading

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Eclipses & Wildlife

During our discussion of solar eclipses in last Thursday’s lecture, we focused mostly on the astronomical concepts behind how and why they occur. As well, there was a brief discussion on what one would experience inside the path of totality for those short 7 or so minutes during a total solar eclipse. Following this lecture, […] Continue reading

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For my 2023 class…

If you’re in my 2023 Solar System class, please put a comment here showing that you’ve found my blog and that you’re following it :)  Please include your first name.  Note that you MUST be logged in to your own WordPress blog when commenting or else you’re doing it wrong! Also make sure you have bookmarked […] Continue reading

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blog post 08

This class opened my eyes to some really cool astronomy subjects. Astronomy is a subject that I never really got the chance to study in grade school. Since coming to college, and learning more about our universe, my perspective on life has changed. Learning about how vast our universe is, how our solar system formed, […] Continue reading

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