Further Research

Further Research
Understanding the complex web of correlations that tie communities to their infrastructure is surely one of the most challenging parts of any project. Most staggering in the research and the conceptual design of Spaghetti Junction was the need for an integrated approach to designing infrastructure. A true community needs assessment would prove valuable in redesigning this space. Particularly striking to us were the data showing that communities in Spaghetti Junction have median and per capita incomes well below the Davidson County averages and that health metrics like insufficient sleep are worse in Spaghetti Junction and at other spots on the inner loop than elsewhere in the county. Prioritizing a holistic evaluation could potentially allow the city to minimize harmful impacts to residents in these areas and promote a healthier, happier Nashville.

Lastly, there is ample room to explore the cost of development for Spaghetti Junction and its fit for smart technology. Because Spaghetti Junction is diverse in development opportunities, it is necessary to specify exactly what projects are planned and where funding is sourced in order to provide an accurate, relevant cost estimate. Another possible Spaghetti Junction project is applying Nashville’s Smart City Challenge Vision to the area, as many of the aspirations in the plan align with our efforts toward access and inclusivity.

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