Final Thoughts

The team is very proud of the device we created over the past year and believe it is a great start for the final goal Booz Allen Hamilton has in mind. However, work on the device was cut short rather abruptly due to COVID-19. Given the opportunity to engage in further work, the team would have applied the waterproofing methods previously mentioned, among which were Loctite sealant and ultra hydrophobic coating. Testing would have been conducted to determine whether these methods are truly effective. The team also would have conducted testing of the complete assembly with all of its electronic components together. This would mean leaving the device exposed to the elements and deliberately triggering conditions of “high risk.” This would allow the team to determine whether the device can operate remotely for extended periods of time, and whether the battery size is appropriate for the power requirements.

Thinking farther ahead, future senior design teams could work on and develop the mesh network that would be deployed over San Bernardino National Forest. They could also work on making the system flexible enough that it can be deployed in any public or private lands, not only those in Southern California.