Renewing Purchase Orders for FY19
As FY18 is coming to a close, it’s time to review and renew expiring purchase orders in preparation for FY19.
If you have any purchase orders that require renewal, the Purchasing and Strategic Sourcing team has provided instructions on the Finance website. Renewals must be submitted as new requisitions in Oracle Cloud Procurement, and Financial Unit Managers can assist with identifying legacy POs that require renewal by running the P2P Summary Report in the Departmental Playbook.
In addition, as you are planning to renew any Blanket Orders, please note the following process updates:
- Before renewing a blanket order, Purchase Requesters should consider whether they could use catalog orders in Aquiire or another, more appropriate type of smart form rather than a blanket order; and
- New blanket orders will move to three-way matching and thus require Procurement Requesters to perform Receiving in order to process payment – there will be exceptions to the three-way matching for certain types of orders, such as gas cylinder rentals and utilities.
Please review the full document for additional details and instructions.