Daily Archives: March 17, 2014

Androids in Space

Continuing with the topic of privatized space exploration, some developers at Google have launched Android smartphones into space. Why, you might ask? Because they can. Seven payloads, with Nexus S’s as sensory modules, were sent into space on weather balloons. The data collected by the phones showed that the loads reached altitudes of over 30 […] Continue reading

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Nuclear Fusion, Power of The Future?

It is commonly accepted that energy produced by the Sun is the result of nuclear fusion, a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei collide at high speeds to produce a new type of atomic nucleus in addition to large amounts of energy. This process, theoretically, is an idea power source as it produces zero carbon […] Continue reading

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Dinnertime for our Supermassive Black Hole

For the first time we will be able to see our supermassive black consume a gas cloud. We have not been able to see our black hole in action yet so this provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about this mysterious thing at the middle of our galaxy. However, scientists are not really sure […] Continue reading

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Polar Ice Caps of Mars

Mars has seasons just like Earth. However, its seasons are primarily affected by the change in Mar’s distance from the Sun. Because of Mar’s elliptical orbit it is much closer to the Sun during the northern hemisphere’s winter and much further from the Sun during the northern hemisphere’s summer. Seasonal changes on Mars cause the […] Continue reading

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A Different Kind Vacation

During several of our classes we have taken time to watch videos and view pictures of aurora. All that kept going through my head was where I can go to see this and this would be great for a vacation. I found a Huffington Post article about aurora. In it the writer states that the […] Continue reading

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Distant but Deadly

93 million miles away there is a threat that can have a huge impact on us. The threat is a solar storm which charged particles erupt from the sun. These particles can create electrical currents that seep into the magnetosphere. The effects of this are huge. GPS systems will be thrown off, people will be […] Continue reading

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Major discovery in astrophysics announced 3/17/14

http://www.space.com/25090-big-bang-gravity-waves-discovered-video.html Today an astrophysicist team based in antarctica claimed they have found the first tangible evidence for gravitational waves from the beginning of the universe. These waves provide a convincing argument for the inflating universe and the big bang theory in ways previously not thought possible. Gravitational waves are a phenomenon predicted by Einstein’s relativity […] Continue reading

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Voyager 1 Spacecraft has Left the Solar System

http://www.space.com/22752-voyager-1-goes-interstellar-solar-system-boundary-passed-video.html As of August 25th 2012 the human race pushed one of its own creations beyond the range of the solar system. The 36 year long journey of the probe has brought it beyond anything else that has ever intentionally come from our planet. Scientists confirm this occurence using plasma data STILL being sent from […] Continue reading

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Voyager 1 Spacecraft has Left the Solar System

http://www.space.com/22752-voyager-1-goes-interstellar-solar-system-boundary-passed-video.html As of August 25th 2012 the human race pushed one of its own creations beyond the range of the solar system. The 36 year long journey of the probe has brought it beyond anything else that has ever intentionally come from our planet. Scientists confirm this occurence using plasma data STILL being sent from […] Continue reading

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Orion Nebula

Nebulae have always been one of my favorite parts of the universe. I like how this video goes into detail about what makes up the Orion Nebula. It’s so hard to believe that we have the technology to discover so much about something so far away. It’s hard to imagine that the four main stars … Continue reading Orion Nebula Continue reading

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