Daily Archives: May 4, 2021

Microscopic but Adorable!

One of the biggest indicators that there is other life in the universe we can see by looking at our own world.  All around us, in some of the most unexpected places, we can find thriving extremophiles.  These tiny creatures live under conditions that no other living beings on Earth could.  Despite their seemingly odd love of intenseContinue reading “Microscopic but Adorable!” Continue reading

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All about Aurora

The Northern Lights are one of the most intriguing phenomena of the natural world, and have been attributed to many different things throughout history. The name itself comes from Galileo, who names them after the Roman goddess Aurora, who in Greek was known as Eos and described as rosy-fingered. Many cultures have their own interpretationsContinue reading “All about Aurora” Continue reading

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Looking Back Over This Semester

I’ll begin this post by warning that it’s going to be a rather frank conversation about some mental health stuff. Nothing concerning or whatever, but I thought I’d put that out front.  Throughout this semester, I have struggled with my mental health. For me, this is mostly in the form of OCD, particularly obsessive thoughtContinue reading “Looking Back Over This Semester” Continue reading

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The Fermi Paradox and Great Filters

We briefly discussed the Fermi Paradox in class. However, one major potential “explanation” of the paradox went undiscussed: the idea of various “great filters.” These great filters are supposedly things that naturally arise in the course of life’s and/or civilization’s development that prevent them from becoming long-lasting intelligent life forms. These could be a wideContinue reading “The Fermi Paradox and Great Filters” Continue reading

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Space Exploration: History, Ethics, and Potentially-Conflicting Interests

But why, some say the Moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountian [sic]? Why – 35 years ago – why fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the Moon, we choose to go to the Moon in this decadeContinue reading “Space Exploration: History, Ethics, and Potentially-Conflicting Interests” Continue reading

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Protein and the Tardigrade

The poster child of extremophiles, the tardigrade, is well known for its abilities to survive the heights of the Himalayas and the vacuum of space. Also, it has the fitting nickname of the “water bear”, and the similarities to a bear might extend further past just looks. Tardigrades have been completely reanimated after being driedContinue reading “Protein and the Tardigrade” Continue reading

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Culmination Reflection Post

After taking Astronomy 2110, not only has my perspective of our Solar System changed and widened, but also did my view on the universe as a whole. Perhaps one of the biggest eye-openers for me came near the beginning of the semester when we learned just how vast our Universe is as a whole. BeforeContinue reading “Culmination Reflection Post” Continue reading

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Blog 7: Extremophiles

Extremophiles are organisms that thrive within severe abiotic environments while maintaining the ability to grow and reproduce. These organisms inhabit areas of extreme temperature, pressure, salinity, acidity, and radiation, surviving through environmentally defined adaptations. Extremophilic organisms are based within both prokaryotic and eukaryotic life, meaning their existence ranges throughout all domains of life. Through theContinue reading “Blog 7: Extremophiles” Continue reading

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Aliens in Pop Culture

Picture an alien. What did you think it looked like? Maybe you thought of a small green creature with a big head and big eyes, or maybe you thought of ET or one of the people from Avatar or Jar Jar Binks. No matter what you thought of, your picture was likely influenced by popContinue reading “Aliens in Pop Culture” Continue reading

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A New Hope (For Alien Life)

Astronomy 2110 has been a real pleasure of a class to attend. Not only have I learned so much about Earth, but also about the rest of the solar system. I have discovered the secrets of our planet, the planets that are our neighbors, and our incredible star that I would have never known ifContinue reading “A New Hope (For Alien Life)” Continue reading

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