Tag Archives: blog7

The Social Implications of Interstellar Travel

It is likely that all of us have grown up with at least one media account of the final frontier, be that Star Wars, Star Trek, Martian, or even Men in Black. Because of the inherent human fascination with the notion of interstellar travel, with arguably the greatest (presently) unanswerable question known to our species, … More The Social Implications of Interstellar Travel Continue reading

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Seven Brave New Worlds

Do you ever feel like one day the Earth is going to be too crowded and we would run out of resources? Is there any other habitable world out there that we could some day create a new life on? Maybe I’ve seen too much fictional movies that I somehow thought it is possible! But… Continue reading Seven Brave New Worlds Continue reading

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Black Hole’s Opposite Twin?

Black holes are so last year. Wanna hear something more interesting? WHITE HOLES! Black holes, as we know, do not let anything escape from their surface, engulfing anything and everything that dare come near them, deeming themselves powerful. Even light stand no chance against them, as the space time is so curved, they cannot elude.  … Continue reading Black Hole’s Opposite Twin? Continue reading

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Kepler Mission

Kepler Kepler was launched by NASA in March 2009 and the main mission is to find habitable planets like earth orbiting other stars in our Milky Way besides searching for exoplanets is this galaxy. Earth like planets must be a terrestrial planet, the size must not differ much from the earth’s, and it must be … Continue reading Kepler Mission Continue reading

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Detection of Habitable Planets

We talked much in class about different methods of discovering extrasolar planets, and Dr. G pointed out to us that the only reason people bother looking for extrasolar planets is to try and find life outside of our solar system.  To do this, scientists have to narrow down the list of extrasolar planets into a […] Continue reading

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Detection of Habitable Planets

We talked much in class about different methods of discovering extrasolar planets, and Dr. G pointed out to us that the only reason people bother looking for extrasolar planets is to try and find life outside of our solar system.  To do this, scientists have to narrow down the list of extrasolar planets into a […] Continue reading

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Asteroids: Death, or Life?

Just hitching a ride Most people don’t think of asteroids as the bringer of life to Earth. Actually, for many, it’s the exact opposite. When someone says asteroids many people automatically think about mass extinctions, specifically the extinction of the dinosaurs (which was caused by a large asteroid). However, there is a theory called panspermia which […] Continue reading

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Are We Overdue for a Mass Extinction?

People have argued about if and when the human race will die out on earth.  We have essentially taken ourselves out of the food chain, meaning that we won’t be hunted to extinction.  We have also made great strides in medicine making it unlikely that we will die out from disease.  It may seem improbable […] Continue reading

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i was looking to write something about the surface geography of pluto and came across this article about a cool geographic feature on the surface of pluto! since the flyby, we’ve had a lot of new information to sift through about the distant icy planet, and now we’ve found a new set of tendrils on … Continue reading spider! Continue reading

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Hot Jupiters and Why They Don’t Wreck our Model of Planetary Formation

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, is located exactly where astrophysicists and planetary-formation theorists believe that it should be. Its size indicates that it should be located around the middle of the Solar System, where it was able to pick up rock, ice, and a lot of gases (such as hydrogen and helium) […] Continue reading

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