Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Fate of Earth

This infographic tales prediction to the extreme as it outlines the future of earth, taking us from a mere 1000 years in the future to the impossibly far away end of our universe as we know it. Produced by IIB Studio, this diagram tests the limits of our ability to estimate and predict the future. […] Continue reading

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White Holes

A white hole is a hypothetical region space time which cannot be entered from the outside.” The idea of a white hole is essentially that is the opposite of a black hole. A “worm hole” is the connection from black hole that consumes all matter around it, and send its through a warp in space […] Continue reading

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Pluto’s moons

There has been much debate on the status of Pluto’s classification. It is now believed to be a “dwarf planet”. One reason that people are challenging this is because of its existence of moons and a moon system. This picture from NASA shows the layout of Pluto and its surrounding bodies .  Source There are […] Continue reading

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Asteroids and Impacts in Perspective

When asked to think of massive impacts that our Earth has experienced one would most probably think first to the impact that happened 65 million years ago that caused the extinction of dinosaurs. When you look back further to the period of heavy bombardment you will uncover truly terrific impacts. Specifically an impact that occurred […] Continue reading

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Between a Rock and a Whole Lot of Air

The first documented occurrence of a person being struck by a meteorite was a woman in Alabama being struck while napping by a rock that bounced off her wooden console radio. But could you imagine  being struck straight on by a meteorite while skydiving? That is exactly what happened to Anders Helstrup, after leaping for … Continue reading Between a Rock and a Whole Lot of Air Continue reading

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Io is Outrageously Hot

Io is known for being extremely volcanic. By just looking at images of Jupiter’s closest moon you can assume that this is a particularly hot world. Io’s scalding heat is caused by the extreme tidal forces that act upon it. Now when we compare the heat flow on Io to the heat flow on Earth it is possible to […] Continue reading

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Rosetta’s Trajectory

This photo found on NASA’s Solar Exploration page diagrams the trajectory for the European Space Agency’s mission Rosetta’s exploration of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Launched in 2004, Rosetta has since flown-by Earth three times, Mars, and two asteroids, and is scheduled to arrive at the comet later this year.  It’s so how cool scientist are ale … Continue reading Rosetta’s Trajectory Continue reading

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A Personal Satellite

Ardusat Breakdown Have you ever wished you could own your very own satellite? The space exploration hobbyist’s dream is coming true in a new arduino project called Ardusat. Developed by a company named Nanosatisfi, this product combines the open source user friendly interface of arduino technology with the space friendly CubeSat design platform. This project […] Continue reading

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The Planet Vulcan

After the discovery of Neptune, which was predicted by gravitational aberrations in the orbit of Uranus, an astronomer named Urbain Leverrier noticed aberrations in the orbit of Mercury. He hypothesized that there must be another planet between Mercury and the Sun, for which he proposed the name Vulcan. No such planet exists, and the aberrations … Continue reading The Planet Vulcan Continue reading

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Extra Solar Planets, Probable Cause for Life Elsewhere

  “Kepler Orrery (large and small systems)” An extra solar planet is define as an object in space that meets the formal definition detailed by the IAU with the exception that it orbits a star other than the Sun. As of April 4, 2014 there have 1780 planets discovered in 1103 planetary systems (460 of […] Continue reading

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