Temporary Hiatus
This academic year has thus far directed my online writing to other topics and my mindful work to in-person activities, so I'm on temporary hiatus from The Mindful PhD. I hope to return to it soon. Thanks for your patience & your continued support.
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The Mindful PhD
Nancy Chick is an Assistant Director at the Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University and an imperfectly mindful Ph.D. in English.-
- Sitting Down & Staying Still
- A Room of One’s Own
- Homing In
- Reading Here & Now
- In Case of Emergency
- On Another Planet
- It’s About Our Students
- Looking into the Fire
- Up in the Clouds
- Revisiting Boice
- The Continual Unfolding of Our Work
- About Time
- Busy-Shaming
- Opening Our Eyes
- Daydream Believer
- Time, the Superbowl, & Bandwagons
- After the Honeymoon
- Doodling & Knitting
- Enduring Effects
- Support for Stressed Students
- 2013 Top 10
- Difficult Discussions
- Inspiration, Creativity, & New Ideas
- Gratitude Journals
- Labyrinths & Learning
- Reading Like Bruce Lee
- How It Works, IV
- How It Works, III
- How It Works, II
- How It Works, I
- Stories of the Slow Professor
- This Embodied PhD
- Playing with Others
- Being Fully Present in the Classroom
- Reducing Stress
- Paying Attention
- The Easy Way & The Easier Way
- A Beginning
- anger
- app
- attention
- awareness
- be here now
- body scan
- breathing
- cancer
- classroom
- compassion
- creativity
- doodling
- emotional regulation
- emotions
- faculty
- fingers
- fixed vs. growth mindset
- focus
- gratitude
- happiness
- learning
- lovingkindness
- metacognition
- multitasking
- narrative
- neuroscience
- open-monitoring
- pain
- perceptions
- practice
- reading comprehension
- resilience
- self
- silence
- slow
- snowglobe
- stress
- students
- teaching
- Time
- two-minutes
- warrior
- writer's block
Tag Archives: listening
Doodling & Knitting
Last week, I had a great conversation about class participation with SoTL Scholar Hasina Mohyuddin and my Graduate-Teaching-Fellow partner in teaching the SoTL Scholars Program Andrew Greer (both PhD candidates in the Department of Human & Organizational Development). I also … Continue reading →