
Clara Schoeder, Meiler and Crowe lab alumna, presenting a research seminar on August 22nd.

Cristina Martina presenting Vaccine module in graduate course CPBP 8330 in August.

Torben Schiffner of Scripps Institute presenting jointly sponsored seminar on July 22nd.

Recap of 2017 Symposium on Modeling Immunity

The Human Vaccines Project, Vanderbilt and Illumina join forces to decode the human immunome

TIPs faculty member Dr. James Crowe Jr. in the news

VU BreakThru – February 2017

Blog promoting our program – helping faculty take discovery and learning to the next level

Vanderbilt’s trans-institutional program (TIPs) funding was awarded to develop Next Generation Vaccines Integrating Structural Biology with Big Data.

Dr. Jens Meiler awarded Vanderbilt TIPs funding. Congratulations!

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