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Using deep learning for a diffusion-based segmentation of the dentate nucleus and its benefits over atlas-based methods

Posted by on Friday, December 6, 2019 in Deep Learning, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Image Segmentation, Magnetic resonance imaging, Multi-atlas Segmentation.

Noguera, C. B., Bao, S., Petersen, K. J., Lopez, A. M., Reid, J., Plassard, A. J., … & Landman, B. A. (2019). Using deep learning for a diffusion-based segmentation of the dentate nucleus and its benefits over atlas-based methods. Journal of Medical Imaging, 6(4), 044007.
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The dentate nucleus (DN) is a gray matter structure deep in the cerebellum involved in motor coordination, sensory input integration, executive planning, language, and visuospatial function. The DN is an emerging biomarker of disease, informing studies that advance pathophysiologic understanding of neurodegenerative and related disorders. The main challenge in defining the DN radiologically is that, like many deep gray matter structures, it has poor contrast in T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) images and therefore requires specialized MR acquisitions for visualization. Manual tracing of the DN across multiple acquisitions is resource-intensive and does not scale well to large datasets. We describe a technique that automatically segments the DN using deep learning (DL) on common imaging sequences, such as T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and diffusion MR imaging. We trained a DL algorithm that can automatically delineate the DN and provide an estimate of its volume. The automatic segmentation achieved higher agreement to the manual labels compared to template registration, which is the current common practice in DN segmentation or multiatlas segmentation of manual labels. Across all sequences, the FA maps achieved the highest mean Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.83 compared to T1 imaging (DSC  =  0.76), T2 imaging (DSC  =  0.79), or a multisequence approach (DSC  =  0.80). A single atlas registration approach using the spatially unbiased atlas template of the cerebellum and brainstem template achieved a DSC of 0.23, and multi-atlas segmentation achieved a DSC of 0.33. Overall, we propose a method of delineating the DN on clinical imaging that can reproduce manual labels with higher accuracy than current atlas-based tools.


Qualitative results of the DN segmentation. Here, we show the output of the automatic segmentation using unimodal U-Net, a multisequence U-Net, and single atlas registration of the SUIT template in the same subject. The manual label is shown in green while the predicted label is shown in red. Overlap between the two structures is shown in yellow. The Dice coefficient is 0.95 for the unimodal T1 model, 0.95 for the unimodal T2 model, 0.97 for the unimodal FA model, 0.93 for the multisequence model, 0.41 for the SUIT atlas, and 0.43 for the multi-atlas segmentation. Note: the multiatlas segmentation results were registered to the SUIT template for visualization.
Qualitative results of the DN segmentation. Here, we show the output of the automatic segmentation using unimodal U-Net, a multisequence U-Net, and single atlas registration of the SUIT template in the same subject. The manual label is shown in green while the predicted label is shown in red. Overlap between the two structures is shown in yellow. The Dice coefficient is 0.95 for the unimodal T1 model, 0.95 for the unimodal T2 model, 0.97 for the unimodal FA model, 0.93 for the multisequence model, 0.41 for the SUIT atlas, and 0.43 for the multi-atlas segmentation. Note: the multiatlas segmentation results were registered to the SUIT template for visualization.