Author Archives: Jasmine Greer

Cingulum (cingulate gyrus part) – cgc

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): cgc Instructions: 1) Create four separate coronal seed regions (at approx. coronal slice 63 and 105), two for each side. Create one ROA region on a sagittal slice at the midline (at approx. sagittal slice 78). In … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 5,006 Comments

Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle – icp

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): icp Instructions: Create two separate axial seed regions (at approx. axial slice 33), one on each side Create two separate axial ROI regions (at approx. axial slice 44), one on each side. Create one ROA region on … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 5,697 Comments

Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus – ifo

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): ifo Instructions: Create two separate coronal ROI regions (at approx. coronal slice 110), one on each side Create two separate coronal seed regions (at approx. coronal slice 91), one on each side Create two additional separate coronal … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 3,278 Comments

Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus – ilf

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): ilf Instructions: Create two separate coronal ROI regions (at approx. coronal slice 98), one on each side Create two separate coronal seed regions (at approx. coronal slice 110), one on each side Create two additional separate coronal … Continue reading

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Midbrain – m

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): m Instructions: Create one coronal seed region (at approx. coronal slice 96), then run fiber tracking. Based on this output, ROA placement will be clearer. Create one axial ROA region superior to the seed region In … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 4,534 Comments

Middle Cerebellar Peduncle – mcp

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): mcp Instructions: Create two separate coronal seed regions (at approx. coronal slice 111), one on each side, then run fiber tracking. Based on this output, ROA placement will be clearer. Create one ROA region and draw … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 4,231 Comments

Medial Lemniscus – ml

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): ml Instructions: Create two separate axial seed regions (at approx. axial slice 40), one on each side. Create one ROA region on a sagittal slice at the midline. Check the left seed region and ROA region, … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 3,821 Comments

Olfactory Radiation – olfr

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): olfr Instructions: Create two separate coronal seed regions (at approx. coronal slice 65), one on each side. Create one ROA region and draw a sagittal ROA slice at the midline In the region list, check only … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 1,759 Comments

Optic Tract – opt

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): opt Instructions: Create four sagittal seed regions (at approx. sagittal slice 66, 70, 82, 91) on the orange dot, two on each side, then run fiber tracking. Based on this output, ROA placement will be clearer. Create … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 3,832 Comments

Genu of the Corpus Callosum – gcc

Protocol PDF Document (version 1.2): gcc Instructions: Create one seed region (at approx. sagittal slice 80) on a sagittal slice at the midline. This posterior extent lines up with the anterior part of the body. (genu seed = purple, body seed … Continue reading

Posted in Protocol | 1,766 Comments