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February, 2017

Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) of the prefrontal cortex in psychosis

Feb. 8, 2017—“Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) of the prefrontal cortex in psychosis” Authors: Neil D. Woodward, Prasanna Parvatheni, Baxter Rogers, Stephen Damon, Bennett Landman. Society of Biological Psychiatry 2017 (SoBP) Healthy>Psychosis results in ODI

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Dendritic organization within the PFC measured in vivo in psychosis using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)

Feb. 4, 2017—“Dendritic organization within the PFC measured in vivo in psychosis using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)” Authors: Neil D. Woodward1, Prasanna Parvatheni2, Baxter Rogers3, Stephen Damon2, Bennett Landman2 .1 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 2 School of Engineering, Vanderbilt University 3 Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Sciences...

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Comparison of Multi-Fiber Reproducibility of PAS-MRI and Q-ball With Empirical Multiple b-Value HARDI

Feb. 3, 2017—Vishwesh Nath, Kurt G. Schilling, Justin Blaber, Zhaohua Ding, Adam W. Anderson, Bennett A Landman. “Comparison of Multi-Fiber Reproducibility of PAS-MRI and Q-ball With Empirical Multiple b-Value HARDI ” In Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. Orlando, Florida, February 2017. Oral presentation. Full Text: Abstract Crossing fibers are prevalent in human brains and a...

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Multi-Atlas Spleen Segmentation on CT Using Adaptive Context Learning

Feb. 3, 2017—Jiaqi Liu, Yuankai Huo, Zhoubing Xu, Albert Assad, Richard G. Abramson, Bennett A. Landman. “Multi-Atlas Spleen Segmentation on CT Using Adaptive Context Learning” In Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. Orlando, Florida, February 2017. Oral presentation. Full Text: Abstract Multi-atlas segmentation has shown to be a promising approach for spleen segmentation. To deal with...

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Multi-Scale Hippocampal Parcellation Improves Atlas-Based Segmentation Accuracy

Feb. 3, 2017—Andrew J. Plassard, Maureen McHugo, Stephan Heckers, Bennett A. Landman. “Multi-Scale Hippocampal Parcellation Improves Atlas-Based Segmentation Accuracy” In Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. Orlando, Florida, February 2017. Full Text: Abstract The hippocampus is one of the most studied regions of the brain. Recent advances in MRI have produced high-contrast imaging of the hippocampus....

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