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Diffusion Tensor Imaging Category

Predicting Age from White Matter Diffusivity with Residual Learning

Dec. 1, 2023—Chenyu Gao, Michael E. Kim, Ho Hin Lee, Qi Yang, Nazirah Mohd Khairi, Praitayini Kanakaraj, Nancy R. Newlin, Derek B. Archer, Angela L. Jefferson, Warren D. Taylor, Brian D. Boyd, Lori L. Beason-Held, Susan M. Resnick, The BIOCARD Study Team, Yuankai Huo, Katherine D. Van Schaik, Kurt G. Schilling, Daniel Moyer, Ivana Išgum, Bennett A....

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Tractography with T1-weighted MRI and associated anatomical constraints on clinical quality diffusion MRI

Dec. 1, 2023—Tian Yu, Yunhe Li, Michael E. Kim, Chenyu Gao, Qi Yang, Leon Y. Cai, Susane M. Resnick, Lori L. Beason-Held, Daniel C. Moyer, Kurt G. Schilling, Bennett A. Landman, “Tractography with T1-weighted MRI and associated anatomical constraints on clinical quality diffusion MRI”, SPIE Medical Imaging 2024 Full text: NIHMSID Abstract Diffusion MRI (dMRI) streamline tractography, the...

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Short superficial white matter and aging: a longitudinal multi-site study of 1293 subjects and 2711 sessions

Aug. 31, 2023—Kurt G Schilling, Derek Archer, Francois Rheault, Ilwoo Lyu, Yuankai Huo, Leon Y Cai, Silvia A Bunge, Kevin S Weiner, John C Gore, Adam W Anderson, Bennett A Landman Paper: Abstract It is estimated that short association fibers running immediately beneath the cortex may make up as much as 60% of the total white matter...

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Superficial white matter across development, young adulthood, and aging: volume, thickness, and relationship with cortical features

Aug. 31, 2023—Kurt G Schilling, Derek Archer, Francois Rheault, Ilwoo Lyu, Yuankai Huo, Leon Y Cai, Silvia A Bunge, Kevin S Weiner, John C Gore, Adam W Anderson, Bennett A Landman Paper: Abstract Superficial white matter (SWM) represents a significantly understudied part of the human brain, despite comprising a large portion of brain volume and making up...

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Efficient approximate signal reconstruction for correction of gradient nonlinearities in diffusion-weighted imaging

Aug. 31, 2023—Praitayini Kanakaraj, Leon Y. Cai, Tianyuan Yao, Francois Rheault, Baxter P. Rogers, Adam Anderson, Kurt G. Schilling, Bennett A. Landman. Magn Reson Imaging. 2023 Oct Full Text Abstract In diffusion weighted MRI (DW-MRI), hardware nonlinearities lead to spatial variations in the orientation and magnitude of diffusion weighting. While the correction of these spatial distortions has...

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Mapping the impact of nonlinear gradient fields with noise on diffusion MRI

Aug. 31, 2023—Praitayini Kanakaraj, Leon Y. Cai, Francois Rheault, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Baxter P. Rogers, Kurt G. Schilling, Bennett A. Landman (2023). Mapping the impact of nonlinear gradient fields with noise on diffusion MRI. Magn Reson Imaging. 2023 May Full Text Abstract In diffusion MRI, gradient nonlinearities cause spatial variations in the magnitude and direction of diffusion gradients. Studies...

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Denoising of diffusion MRI in the cervical spinal cord – effects of denoising strategy and acquisition on intra-cord contrast, signal modeling, and feature conspicuity

Aug. 31, 2023—Kurt Schilling, Shreyas Fadnavis, Joshua Batson, Mereze Visagie, Anna JE Combes, Colin D Mcknight, Francesca Bagnato, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Bennett A Landman, Seth A Smith, Kristin P O’Grady Paper: Abstract Quantitative diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a promising technique for evaluating the spinal cord in health and disease. However, low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can impede interpretation and...

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Convolutional-recurrent neural networks approximate diffusion tractography from T1-weighted MRI and associated anatomical context

May. 29, 2023—Leon Y. Cai, Ho Hin Lee, Nancy R. Newlin, Cailey I. Kerley, Praitayini Kanakaraj, Qi Yang, Graham W. Johnson, Daniel Moyer, Kurt G. Schilling, François Rheault, and Bennett A. Landman Paper: Code: Abstract Diffusion MRI (dMRI) streamline tractography is the gold-standard for in vivo estimation of white matter (WM) pathways in the brain. However, the...

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Implementation considerations for deep learning with diffusion MRI streamline tractography

May. 29, 2023—Leon Y. Cai, Ho Hin Lee, Nancy R. Newlin, Michael E. Kim, Daniel Moyer, Francois Rheault, Kurt G. Schilling, and Bennett A. Landman Paper: Code: Abstract One area of medical imaging that has recently experienced innovative deep learning advances is diffusion MRI (dMRI) streamline tractography with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Unlike traditional imaging studies which...

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Aging and white matter microstructure and macrostructure: a longitudinal multi-site diffusion MRI study of 1218 participants

Jul. 25, 2022—Kurt G Schilling, Derek Archer, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Francois Rheault, Leon Cai, Colin Hansen, Qi Yang, Andrea Shafer, Susan Resnick, Kimberly R. Pechman, Katherine A. Gifford, Timothy J. Hohman, Angela Jefferson, Adam W Anderson, Hakmook Kang, Bennett A Landman, Aging and white matter microstructure and microstructure: a longitudinal multi-site diffusion MRI study of 1,184 participants. Brain...

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