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Quantitative Anatomical Labeling of the Anterior Abdominal Wall

Posted by on Friday, February 1, 2013 in Abdomen Imaging, Image Segmentation.

Wade M. Allen, Zhoubing Xu, Andrew J. Asman, Benjamin K. Poulose, Bennett A. Landman. “Quantitative Anatomical Labeling of the Anterior Abdominal Wall.” In Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference. Orlando, Florida, February 2013. Oral Presentation. †

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Ventral hernias (VHs) are abnormal openings in the anterior abdominal wall that are common side effects of surgical intervention. Repair of VHs is the most commonly performed procedure by general surgeons worldwide, but VH repair outcomes are not particularly encouraging (with recurrence rates up to 43%). A variety of open and laparoscopic techniques are available for hernia repair, and the specific technique used is ultimately driven by surgeon preference and experience. Despite routine acquisition of computed tomography (CT) for VH patients, little quantitative information is available on which to guide selection of a particular approach and/or optimize patient-specific treatment. From anecdotal interviews, the success of VH repair procedures correlates with hernia size, location, and involvement of secondary structures. Herein, we propose an image labeling protocol to segment the anterior abdominal area to provide a geometric basis with which to derive biomarkers and evaluate treatment efficacy. Based on routine clinical CT data, we are able to identify inner and outer surfaces of the abdominal walls and the herniated volume. This is the first formal presentation of a protocol to quantify these structures on abdominal CT. The intra- and inter rater reproducibilities of this protocol are evaluated on 4 patients with suspected VH (3 patients were ultimately diagnosed with VH while 1 was not). Mean surfaces distances of less than 2mm were achieved for all structures.

Representative segmentations for two subjects. Labels: red: volumetric hernia, yellow: outer abdominal wall (axial), blue: inner abdominal wall (axial), green: outer abdominal wall (sagittal), pink: inner abdominal wall (sagittal), cyan: skin
Representative segmentations for two subjects. Labels: red: volumetric hernia, yellow: outer abdominal wall (axial), blue: inner abdominal wall (axial), green: outer abdominal wall (sagittal), pink: inner abdominal wall (sagittal), cyan: skin

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